Friday, March 8, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:30 AM

The BUGS are celebrating 40 compliments with a WACKY DAY today!  They could choose anything they wanted to do that was "wacky!"  We sure have some wack-a-doodle kids today!!  Way to go, BUGS!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:28 AM


Today is  wacky day  it is fun   we will have a fun day and we have Library today  we will have fun we have free choice  to. It will be so fun today my hair red and a little pinck. By Audrie.  

My dad is rely nice and he always is nice to every day and he is rely funny he is always telling funny story ‘s all the time and it is mom is cool all the time and she is Rely realy cool and she is telling cool story’s all the time.My brothers are cool and they let me ride my dirt bike all the time and it is always fun all the time. by Trevor.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:22 AM

Topic:  We visited Chenery Auditorium yesterday to see the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra perform.  The Dragonflies blogged about our trip.


Yesterday we whet to Kso and we saw the harp. It was so cool and funny. Their was a cello a tuba . By Noah

Yesterday  we went to the Kso. We were there for a hour. We saw a big harp. by Dominick 

The Kelmazoo  Syfone  Orkestra  was   awesome. I didin’t  talk. By Meg