Monday, March 31, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:13 PM
Congratulations to Avery!  She reached 50 AR points last week.  Way to go!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:03 PM
We are all so proud of Zoie!  She is the first in Room 18 to reach 50 AR points!!  (Avery is close behind!)  She earned a 50 point button, a t-shirt and a new book!  Congratulations, Zoie! 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:01 PM

March is reading month and that means you never know who might stop by to be a surprise guest reader!  We were so lucky today to have Mrs. Dameron, Curriculum Director for the district stop by and read a couple books with us. 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:00 PM
Mrs. Rogers is an amazing art teacher and we are so lucky to have her in Paw Paw!  She read March of the Penguins with the second graders and then they made clay penguins. 

Here is our whole flock of penguins.

With all the snow days and field trips, it took our class awhile to get the penguins painted and finished, but they were well worth the wait. 

 Aren't these amazing!?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:54 AM

Yesterday we got to go see the Young American’s at the high school to see them sing and dance to songs. It was cool to see them do all of that stuff,it looked like it was hard to do because they danced hard and worked hard to show use.Another thing is it was awesome to see all of those Young American’s do all of those things that they did!!! I have two more things.The first one is they were so cool that they did that!And the second  thing is they worked hard on the show! By,my name is Zoie!

Yesterday we went to see the Young American’s and there was forty eight of them!.It was awesome because they sang all sorts of songs and they were amazing dancers!Tonight at 7 o’clock you can see them perform at the Paw Paw High School autitoriom. We got to see them for free yesterday!!I will name some of them for you,Patrick,Taylor,Christain,Travis,Kat Jaylen,Sarah,and lots more . I hope you go see them perform tonight. Also I almost forgot there are 4 day summer camps to dance,sing and act with them. P.s. I loved your performense-Avery

We went to see the Young Americans show.It was awesome.I was in the front row.We got to go on a bus.It was at the Paw Paw High School.I loved it because they were dancing to the music and even sang to the music.For two weeks we’ve been going on field trips just like today.   - By Emma K.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:47 AM
Thanks to all our generous families we were one of the top three classes in the spring Box Top Contest last month!  

Our class won an ice cream party sponsored by PTO!   

Thanks to all the families and friends who cut out box tops for our school!  

It raises a lot more money than you might think!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:37 AM
What an amazing opportunity for the students at Paw Paw Early Elementary!  We were so excited to go see an orchestra!  

The KSO does an amazing job of demonstrating the different families of instruments to the students and playing some amazing music for our entertainment and enjoyment!  

We even got to hear a piece composed by a high school sophomore!  Wow!

There were dancers from a local dance studio...and a pianist who was a senior in high school!

We loved learning more about music, instruments and the performing arts!