Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:53 AM
What are three things you like to do on snow days?

Three things I like to do on snow days is sledding building snowmen and making snow angles. Abby

I like to do on snow days is to play in the snow and go sledding and drink hot chocolate that is what I like to do on snow days. By Sophia

What I like to do on a snow day is go to my grandparents house and dig in one of their snow piles and make a mini igloo  and take a little nap in the mini igloo.  Then I build a snowman and then I go inside and drink hot cocoa. By Jude

My three things I like to do on a snow day is build a fort and make igloos and make snow balls. By Andrew

Three things that I like is to build a snowman and make an igloo also have a snowball fight with my brother.By Benny

My  favorite things to do on a snow days is to go snowboarding and drink cocoa  and have snow bol fights.by Bradley  

I like to have friends over and play the  in snow. My sekt thing  to  dwek hot coce. My third thing to do es to be wuf my family. by Logan

My favorite thing to do over a snow day is read, watch a movie, and play in my toy room.
By Natalie

On snow days I play my xbox360 and bary stuff and play football.They are fun. ByJackson

I like building a snowman because my mom helps me and she gets the nose the hat and buttons. Another thing I do is make a forest of snow and me and Lilly be in it to play .The last thing that I do is I put Christmas presents by my grandma's tree. By Alex

One of my favorite things to do on a snow day is make snow angels in the snow. Another one of my favorite things to do on a snow day is make snowballs to throw because it is fun to throw them. Another one of my favorite things to do on a snow day is to jump on my trampoline and make the snow fall off. by Christian

The three things that I do on snow days is making a snowman and sledding down a hill and making snow angels.By Karleigh

What I do when it is a snow  day I play in the snow.Then I play legos with my brother. My third  thing is to drink hot coco. by Ezekiel

Things I like to do on a snow day is watch TV and cuddle and play in the snow. By Kami

The three things I like to do on snow days are making snow forts.  Watching tv and playing on my fone.by Evan

My favorite thing to do on a snow day is play in snow and drink hot coco and go to grama’s house. By Karsyn

My favorite thing is to run in the snow and eat the snow and jump in the snow. By Precious

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:16 PM
Andrew completed his entire Smarty card!
He can do all his addition math facts through the 20's!!
Way to go, Andrew! 
(Now I owe him lunch!)