Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:39 AM
Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow or not on February 2nd?  How do you know?

I think the groundhog will not see his shadow because it might be cloudy so it might rain so there will be no more snow! By Jude

I think on groundhog day groundhog will not see its shadow because it could be cloudy. By Sophia

I think the groundhog will not see his shadow because last year he did not. By Bradley     

For groundhog day I think the groundhog will not see his shadow because it is not sunny out so the groundhog can’t see his shadow. By Andrew

I know the groundhog will see his shadow because it will be day time. By Benny

I think the groundhog will see his shadow because groundhogs do not like winter and they do not like the snow. By Christian

I know he won’t see his shadow because last year did not see his shadow. by Jax

What I think might happen is summer will come because the snow might still be here and it will be dark. by Ezekiel

groundhog  willnot becuse he dusin dinot like the snow.  By Lacey

I think the groundhog will not see his shadow because groundhogs can’t remember their
shadow. By Alex

I think he will not because he did the year before last year and I want spring rite a way. By Logan

I think that the groundhog will not see his shadow because I do not like this whether. By Precious

I know the groundhog will not see his shadow because the trees will block him. By Karsyn

The groundhog will not see his shadow because at winter kids do not see their shadows so much. By Blayne

I think the groundhog will not see his shadow because I think he might live in a bright place. By Kami

I think he will not see his shadow because he lives in a forist and the trees will blok him. by Holden

Friday, January 27, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:00 PM
Fairy Tale Friday was incredible!
There were so many cardboard castles!

They arrived in all shapes, sizes!

The BUGS were so excited about sharing their writing, their plays
and especially their enthusiasm for learning!

We did some Reader's Theater.

Everyone read a fairy tale s/he had written!

We had the most amazing audience!

And of course, there was cake!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:00 PM
Today, people from the township water department and conservation district came to talk with us about our water.
We learned about water towers, and where our water comes from.

We also learned about ways to protect our water system and the damage we can do when we aren't careful with waste and harmful chemicals.

They had a great model of an aquifer!

And then we got to make EDIBLE aquifers!!

We used sprite to be the water, ice cream to be the clay layer, cookie crumbs and marshmallows to be the soil and rocks...

...and then we dug a well (with a straw!) and sucked it up!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:51 AM
As we learn about various landforms, it was fun today to get our hands dirty making some of our own!

We made volcanoes...



...and plateaus!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:45 AM
Kami and Andrew both got 100% on their timed math facts for addition!
Way to go!!  That took hard work and practice!