Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:49 AM
Representatives from Chemical Bank came to our classroom today to teach us about saving money!

They read us a great story about a squirrel saving his acorns for the winter - which reminded us why it's important to save money for things we might need or want later!

We took some time to think about what things we might want to save our money for.

Writing down our goals helps us to reach them!

Thanks Chemical Bank for teaching us this important lesson about money!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:08 PM
Chicken eggs have arrived!!  We have five eggs in our incubator!  
We will closely monitor the heat and humidity inside and in three short weeks,'
we should have CHICKS!!

What an amazing time spring is!
We learn so many amazing things!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:06 PM
Caterpillars have arrived in our classroom!  They start out so tiny...

...but they keep eating and growing and eating and growing...

...and within a week they have become HUGE caterpillars!
Did you know a caterpillar will shed its skin five times before making a chrysalis?
Once our caterpillars form chrysalises, it will be about ten days until we have butterflies!
What an amazing transformation these beautiful creatures make!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:04 PM
Benny and Christian both passed all their math facts on their "Smarty" cards and so Mrs. Koehn took them both to lunch!
It was a gorgeous day so we decided to eat our treat outside!

Who knew that knowing math facts could taste so yummy?