Monday, December 17, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:38 PM
Sharing is caring
By Arabella
Not too long ago our class had a sharing day.  Sharing day is when we as a class do a writing assignment then we invite parent to come so we can share our writing with them and other parents.  This year we did a sharing day on some How To writings that we did. For example I did a writing on how to play Kan Jam. Normally we would bring all the things we need to do our project and then do it but since I had an outdoor game and it had just rained I only read it and we didn’t do it.  Other people brought in all the ingredients for their How To and shared while the other person or parent did the directions. Sharing day was also a learning experience! I learned that even if you’re sure you know how to do something than you should try it just to make sure your steps and process work because some of the How To’s didn’t work.  I also learned how to make ton of amazing things like slime,s’mores in a cup, how to play Gaga ball and how to make hot chocolate.Sharing day was a very fun,interesting and interactive experience so if we do it next year and your a 3rd grader parent you should request Mrs.Koehn because she does a lot more fun things for learning! 

I had lots of fun at sharing day. On sharing day one kid at a time went up to the front of the room to share a how to writing. Then parents would go to the front of the room to follow the kids directions. There were lots of different how to’s. I did how to play Phase 10. I learned how to make different kinds of slime. I also learned how to make a paper chicken. - Christian

I did for my how-to writing is how to play Gaga ball. Sharing day was amazing so many people did slime and made a chicken,coffee and a snack that looked good. Some people explained there’s because they didn’t have their materials or it was a outdoor activity. For my writing I added First,Next,Then and Finally . A lot of people came for sharing day there was only like seven people there. It was so FUN at sharing day I hope we have another sharing day. by Mia

On Friday the 14 we had are first sharing day of fourth grade.You are probably wondering what is sharing day.Well are class wrote a paper of how to do something.And on Friday the 14 we had parents come to are class and we read are paper of how to do something and the parents would do are how to.And  the most popular one’s are slime,Gaga ball and drawing.

My how to was how to make fluffy slime and mine I think was the greatest and the craziest how to in my class. It was so messy.

I learned how to make jelly cube slime,drawing,s’mores in a bowl,Gaga ball and more so I learned a lot.

Sharing day was on Friday December 14th.We all had so much fun.On sharing day
we shared  how to writing ,which is the process of how to do something.I shared a
how to writing about how to draw a 3d square.In my opinion I think that drawing a
3d square is easy.I learned  from sharing day,how to make slime , how to make
a chicken , how to draw a alien.That is what sharing day was. - By John

Our sharing day called “How do you do that?”was awesome.
We had a great time and some parents came.What I shared was “How to make a non-melted smore in a bowl.”It was awesome.Mrs.Koehn my amazing awesome teacher told me that she thought she was watching food network.
 What I learned from that experience is that it doesn’t matter what you do for a how to.You just need to have fun.That is all that matters just have fun.

It was funny because learned something
To make a smoothie in a cup

How to make a point Trent
Was fine because we learned some new stuff that we do not want to do
People in time to make zombies and it was fun for me to share because I like it and hopefully other people like it used fun to share it it was fun to share it because I loved it I loved I am Kailee

Sharing day was amazing we got to share our how to writing in front of an audience.Our sharing day was called “How do you do That”. There was a lot of slime.We had two fluffy slimes and one jelly cube slime. I shared “How To Make Jelly Cube slime” it was to sticky.It wouldn’t come off your hands.It sure needed more actvater to it.I learned that it’s ok to make mistakes the parents don’t care if you do make mistakes. By Karsyn 

On sharing day I learned how to make jelly cube slime karsyn described how to make jelly cube slime very well.I really liked the idea of sharing day cause i had never done something like this ever I think it’s very unique. For sharing day i did how to draw a alien I think I did good because not much people know how to make a alien and,everyone was smiling. By Brandyn

Sharing day was fun I liked spending the whole time listening to others
    on there sharing day project.I thought it was fun to do it.And it was cool that you   
        actually do the step by step how-to-.I shared how to play Gaga ball but it was  
        raining so I just said the how-to.I learned from that experience by I now know         
       how to make slime because I did not know how to make slime because every
       time I try I just make a green hard slime ball.I also learned how to play 4 squares
        I am going to try to do it at my house.I also learned to make another type of
        slime that stocked to you hardly and some people got to take home a little bit of  
        slime it was a great sharing day.  By, Braden.

On Friday December 14 we had a sharing day about how-to’s. We had a lot of wonderful how-to’s on the 14th but, I think the best how-to’s were the slime ones. We had a lot of people do their how-to on slime. We had parents come to school to do the topic of their kids how-to. We had about 7 to 8 parents come and about 23 students come.
My how-to was about slime.(Yes, slime.). I was one of the people to do slime. My mom came and had to make the slime. (By the way my mom hates slime!).
I learned how-to make different kinds of slime and learned how-to play Phase 10. Sharing day was fun I would do it again.  -Sophia

At are how to sharing day we made a lot of slime. It was amazing! Also we learned how to draw aliens and make chickens. Also we learned how to play some games like Sorry and Phase 10. All of the how to’s  were amazing! We had some parents come it was funny when they made slime. I shared how to play Sorry. Sorry is a board game that you play with four people. I learned slime is very messy and how to make it. Also how to play Phase 10. Also you need lots of details to make a how to. If you don’t add a lot of details it won’t come out how you wanted it to. It was fun to watch how to play games and learn how to play them. By Benny

It Was a blast of fun on sharing day.
I did how to make hot cocoa.
oh yeah my name is Dakota.
and I learn that slime is messes.

Friday the 14th was super fun and really funny I’m saying this because Friday the 14 was our classes SHARING DAY!! It was super fun even some parents got to come there was “How to make slime” “How to make a paper meshey chicken (mine)” there was “How to play Gaga ball” and a lot of other ideas too!

  I tried explaining on the paper “How to make a paper meshey chicken” it didn’t go so well though. my mom tried to follow the instructions I had, it fails I learned why details are super duper duper (100,000,000 times duper) important though it was really hard to do it but this years word in our class is…...PERSERVERE  so I did I also learned that even though it’s hard you can do it!!

Written by: Hannah

It was awesome because we got to share our passions and we got to learn about each other! I shared how to make slime it was awesome because friends got to do my recipe!I learned from that experience that everyone makes mistakes at their own passions. It was also scary to be in front of a whole class and also a lot of parents. It also was a good experience because we had to follow exact directions and we learned that details matter a whole bunch in not just how to writings but in any type of writing. - By Aiden

Sharing day was fun,entertaining and also very interesting.
I just hope that it would come again. :(

I did a HOW TO draw 3-D Minecraft characters.
My friend did the HOW TO that I made. :3

Some things that I experienced was how to
make slime,witch was REALY slimy! UGH!
TO slimy! Also I learned how to draw 3-D shapes!
It was really fun on that one day. I still hope that day
can come again. :) - by Shane

Have you ever done a sharing day when you were in fourth grade?well I know I did !! Because I just did it on “ Dec 15 Friday “. My class wrote ”a how to writing”. We had to write how to do /make something. I’m Elizabeth and I did this. My how to was” how to draw a Portrait”. I did it and I learned something. I learned that it’s ok to have mistakes.
By Elizabeth
A student
From mrs. Koehns class

Sharing Day was on December the 14th 2018. It was awesome because you had to go in front of people at school and perform a how to writing. I shared how to play Gaga Ball. I learned that from my experience with this, you need some patience to listen to kids that are brave and scared at once. This took us a lot of effort and listening to directions given by are teacher that let us do this in the classroom. With this that was one day of sharing. By: Andrew

On Friday the fourth teeth it was the first sharing day of fourth grade sadly I was gone but I can still tell you what I wrote about. We all had to write a how to writing  mine was on How to play the guitar it took a long time to write it. It was difficult because you had to tell every single detail. The most popular writings were making slime and how to play GaGa ball. Mostly all of our first drafts were a hot mess. I wish I was at sharing day but it was still fun to write mine. By: Natalie

  On Friday we had a sharing day called how to Friday. Where each kid in our class wrote a how to we got to choose the topic we invited our parents and we read our how to’s in front of the class and all the parents and someone would come up and do whatever the how to was.
  The how to I wrote was how to draw a star because most people do not know how to draw a star in my family so I assumed that other parents didn’t ether.
    I learned how to make slime,s’mores in a bowl,how to draw a portrait, alien,- By Bradley

Sharing day was so fun for me it was were we wrote a how to writing and wene the hole class was done you got to bring in your mom dad grandma grandpa aunt uncle or whoever you wanted to and everybody shared there how to and they had to have their parents demonstrate how to make or do with what was on there paper and they have the parents bring the supplies or maleras and i learned that it doesn’t Matter if you mess up what matters is you pertisapat and do a good job. By Gregory

I had to do step by step and it was really hard to get all the information
on the paper and you had to now how to do the thing you were writing about.
The writing took a long time to write about and had think what to write about
By Michael

Sharing day on my how to I learned that when l was writing it. I was wondering if my how to was going to work or not? My title was how to make a fake flower! And another thing I learned is my how to was good because I worked hard and finished -By Madison

Monday, December 10, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:36 PM
There we were...just reading along in our read aloud book when all of a sudden MATH!!  We realized we only have 8 days left until we go to break.  

After break we are starting a new unit in reading and therefore a new read aloud book.  With a chunk of the book left, we decided to figure out how many pages we needed to read each day in order to finish in time.  

 This the problem we created from our dilemma.

The kids worked on solving it on their own and then together we created this answer!

What a great job the BUGS did to figure out how many pages we need to read each day!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:26 PM
What handsome and beautiful BUGS!!

Braden, Hannah and Dakota

Andrew, Madison and John

Christian, Victoria and Elizabeth

Sophia, Karleigh and Bradley

Ava, Shane and Natalie

Mia, Benny, Aiden and Kailee

(Shane) Natalie, Sophia, Bella and Karleigh

Benny, Aiden, Gregory, Kailee

Christian, Gavin and Victoria

The whole gang!! 

The class and the entire grade level had a beautiful performance!
Thank you to everyone who came to listen to their songs and enjoy some music for the season!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:11 PM
This summer, I signed up for a Grant from Meemic Insurance Company, a huge supporter of education and local classrooms.  Our classroom was selected for a $100 Scholastic Grant to add books to our classroom library.  We are so grateful for this grant money and we are excited to add several new books to our classroom.  A HUGE thank you to Meemic Insurance, Rob Bennet and the Meemic Foundation for their generosity!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:39 AM

"Which Car Will Go Faster?" by Michael

"Skittles" by Shane

"Does the Air Pressure in a Soccer Ball Affect How Far it will Travel?" by Andrew

"Doe the Air Pressure in a Soccer Ball Affect How Far I Can Kick It?" by Benny

"Can Magnetism Overpower Gravity?" by Aiden

"How High Can You Drop an Egg Without it Breaking?" by John

"Which Fruit Will Rot First?" by Kailee

"Will the Weight of an Airplane Affect its Ability to Fly?" by Gregory

"Out of Two Different Brands of Popcorn, Which One Pops the Most?" by Elizabeth

"The 5-Second Rule" by Hannah

"Rock Candy" by Karsyn

"Yuck...Brown Apples!" by Karleigh

"Do Habitats Affect How a Animal Gets Their Prey?" by Christian

"Growing Gummies" by Madison

"Brandyn's Egg-speriment" by Brandyn

"Which Chocolate Melts Faster?" by Bella

"Who is Faster?" by Dakota

"What Kind of Gum Works Best for Slime?" by Sophia

"Does Air in a Soccer Ball Affect How High it Can Bounce?" by Victoria

"What Size Glass?" by Natalie

"How High Can a Parent Jump to a Kid?" by Ava

 Third Place Winner for Mrs. Koehn's Class
"How Much Weight Can 4 Earth Magnets Repel?" by Braden

Second Place Winner for Mrs. Koehn's Class
"The Cooling Sensation" by Gavin

First Place Winner for Mrs. Koehn's Class
"How Many Coins in the Pile Will Make the Most Electricity?" by Bradley