Monday, January 29, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:23 AM
What was your favorite part of Fairy Tale Friday? 
What was your least favorite part?

The best thing about Fairy Tale Friday is that I got to share my fairy tale with a lot of grownups.The worst thing about Fairy Tale Friday is that I had a lot of butterflies in front of all those grownups. Hayden   

My favorite part of fairy tale friday was the song. My worst favorite part was the cake. Riley J.

The best part of Fairy Tale Friday was reading my fairy tale in front of everyone. The worst part was the cake!!! By Addison

My first favorite thing about fairytale Friday is when I read my play and the song.The worst thing about fairytale Friday the video. By Parker

The worst part of fairytale Friday is leaving because I was having fun.The best part is eating cake. By Dominick

The best thing about Fairy Tail Friday was the yummy cake.The worst thing was having to read in front of the hole class. by Ava

The worst thing is I was a little bit scared. The best thing is that my teacher said ‘’would you like to host it’’. It was funny.  By Charlotte.

The worst part about my Friday was that I mist fairytale Friday. The best part about my Friday was I made cardboard Aiden

My favorite time at fairy tale Friday  was eating cake with my mom, Ava and her mom .My worst part was standing in  front  of the hole classroom full with grown ups.  By Caylin M.

The first thing I liked about Fairytale Friday is the CAKE. The worst thing was going home. Jayden

The best part of Fairy tale friday was that my parents came.The worst part of Fairy tale friday was that I did not feel good. By Landon

The best part of  Fairytale  Friday was the cake the worst part was the wate by Jonathan.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:30 PM
Once upon a time...

...there was a classroom of very bright students...

...who all wrote fairy tales and wanted to share them.

People from all over the land came to see the performance.

The students read plays...

...their fairy tales...

...and some fractured fairy tales.

The stories were all most impressive...

...the illustrations were very fine indeed!

There were even plays to delight the crowd!

At the end there was singing...

...and merriment...

...and of course...CAKE!!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Fairy Tale Friday!! 
We had so much fun sharing our writing, our plays and our singing with you!  
We hope you enjoyed the afternoon as much as we did!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:21 AM

Friday, January 12, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:25 AM