Monday, July 9, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:50 PM
Happy July to all my B.U.G.S!!  Whether you are a recent BUG, a much older BUG or a new BUG who doesn't even know you ARE a BUG yet - I hope you are all having a GREAT summer so far!! I miss you all and thought I'd share a little about the life of a teacher over the summer!  I'd love if you'd leave some comments and tell me what YOU are up to this summer, too!!

So far this summer, my family has come to visit.  Mr. James' family has come to visit.  Jacob and his girlfriend came to visit.  Whew!  That's a lot of visiting! We have also had friends over for BBQ's!!  As much as I love all of those things, I have also loved spending time with Trudy and of course...(wait for it...) READING!!  I have been reading like crazy!  I've read in bed, on the couch, in the hammock, on the floor with Trudy, in the waiting room for the doctor (because I've also had bronchitis on my summer vacation!) on the porch with Charlotte...I think the only place I haven't read is in the pasture with Elliott, but there's still lots of summer left for that!!

I have been trying to find some great read alouds for fourth grade.  So far, I've read some GREAT books, but none have been great read aloud books.  YET!!  So far, I've read: Ruby Holler; Hound Dog True; The Great Unexpected; Freak the Mighty (which MIGHT be a read aloud),;The Fourteenth Goldfish; Looking for Alaska; Turtles All the Way Down; Love, Sugar, Magic; Half Upon  a Time (Remember, that was one that Ms. Turner was reading this past year?); and Love, Ruby Lavender.  Amazon just delivered more books to my house today, including a couple of Jacob's favorites from when he was younger.  I can't wait to get to those! I have a bag of used books I bought at a garage sale and I have a stack of books from the library to return tomorrow so I can get more!!  OH HOW I LOVE BOOKS!!

The last book I read, My Life as a Book was really cool for two reasons: first, it's a book about a boy who really struggles with his reading.  That reminded me of a lot of students I've had over the years!  Another reason why I loved this book is because the illustrator is FIFTEEN YEARS OLD!!  How cool is THAT?!?!  (A third reason is because it has a dog in it and I LOVE stories with dogs!!)

Of course reading and hanging out with family aren't the only things I've been doing.  I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned.  I love how my teeth feel after being at the dentist!! (I even splurged and bought myself a new toothbrush, too!)

Most importantly, I've been working on my new classroom!  I have everything moved to the Later Elementary and almost everything is unpacked.  I've spent a lot of time already working on my math lessons on the iPad.  I'm learning a LOT about math and a LOT about the iPad, too!

So tell me what you have been up to!!  What books are you reading?  Which books have you enjoyed and which have you not?  (I've only read two so far that I didn't really love.)  What else are you doing with your time?  Send me an email, post a comment, let me know what you are up to!!

Enjoy July!!
Mrs. Koehn