Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:19 PM

Kendall received the honor of being our first blogger!  I hope to have a student on the computer each day posting their journal to the blog to share with all our readers!  Enjoy!  (And please leave comments for our brave writers!)


I  will miss Lillian a lot  because she is  moving to Utau and I am  sad that she is moving.I am going to write a note to Lillian  I am  going to miss her because she is not  coming back.she was very nice to all of  us. I am sad  that she cant come  back.     by Kendall



  1. Hey Kendall! Fantastic journal! I'm sorry you won't be seeing Lillian again--I wish I got to say goodbye to her as well. I can't wait to see more journals from Room 27!

  2. I am sorry that your friend Lillian had to move. You did a very nice job and I am sure she will miss you too.

  3. Great job on your journal Kendall. You're improving everyday. Keep up the good work!

  4. Great job Kendall. Maybe you can get her address and she can be your penpal! love Grammies!!

  5. kendall your journal is amazing i hope i can see mor of yuor journal kendall
