Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:34 PM


I will be missing my friends alot and Miss Willson a lot because it is the last day of school.But everybody brung presents so she won”t be so so sad.Some people brung her food instead of presents. But guess what Miss Willson did at the end of the day.She gave us a book with a book mark and a sun paper sun but it is fake.The title of the book ses no more pencles no more books no more teachers dirty looks.I will miss my teacher alot. By Carlysha


I will miss my  friends and Miss.Willson   so much at school  so much and Miss. Dolling too so much  I will miss school so much but I can swim at homeswing too but I will miss everywone so much at school I will still I will miss everywone so much at school so much.   By Katie

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:57 AM

At water world yesterday it was vary, vary fun when we were under the fire truck. When we were passing the spong and hooever is the last wan they will run up to be first in line then. Yesterday when  we were throughing the spong at the Pau we had to hit the one five or ten. When we had to take a cap and fill it up with some water and holed the top and the bottom to. Water world was vary, vary fun when we were there.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:29 AM

I love Rachel and my dad. I love Brooklin and Seirra. I like Kerstin. I like Sarah. I like Kendall. I like  Krystiana. I like  Mrs Wilson. I like Crlysha. I like Jessica. I like Audre.  I like Alexys. I like Merissa.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:59 PM


When we were raceing evry body was doing very good but we don’t know how won. Every body was trying verey hard to try to win every body was running fast and trying to get in first place so they wold win.The oen hondred meater dash it was rily rily fun every won on are team was running very fast on the raceing trac. By Zeyan


At track and field when we were doing the potato sack I was having so mach fun at track and field. Track and field was vary, vary, fun yesterday vary mach. The  potato sack was vary, vary, easy for me but I fell a fu times yesterday was vary, vary, fun on Tuesday morning. I wished it was yesterday so we can do track and field after open lab so we can do track and field write now. I liked track and field yesterday. When  we were going to track and field on the bus I was happy because when we get in the Later El we will half to walk every time when they go sum ware every time. I loved track and field yesterday. The potato sack was vary, vary, fun for me so mach for me. By Krystiana


At  track  and  field me and  Katie  were  partnered  up  we  were  at   the  three   legged   race and   Katie  was  making    me  fall down in  the grass  and  she ceppet  on  going  to  finsh. by Audrie


The Frisbee throw because it was fun. I throw it the far this becuse it is fun. Sarah thow the far this over Mrs Wilson hed. I  like Frisbee thowing. Sarah and me thow the far this. - by Kayla


I am going to tipe about the Lough Jump.It was yesterday we had track and feald .I jumped a little bit.  By Jessica  


The gablens you geto theroe and it is fun becus they lok like misolse and they lok like rokets to and they aer fun to throe they Aer fun to throe they lok fuuny and they aer fun. by Adrian


The egg  walk  was   hard  to  do  it  we  walk  with  a  spoon  the   egg  was  on  it  that  was  hard  to  do  it  I drop  it   on  the  grass  I find  it  in  the  grass  but  it  was  hard  to  do  it   first  I  dinit  drop  it   on  the  grass  that  was  hard  to  do  it  Mrs.Willson  was  proud of me I was too. by Katie


I almost hit miss Wilson with a shot put it was funny real funnier than my brain it was wiered to my brain real bad bader than anything in the world I belive it hit miss Wilson  on the  legg shot put Im  the best in the world at shot put. In the grass Shot put is fun so was the hole track and field. Track and field  was ansome I had a good time at track and fieldI was the gratis shot puter there The next time ill see wat color am I wish im the color green that would be Ansome to be the color green next year but I might not be green. By Trenton
We all had so much fun at Track and Field Day!  Thanks to all the parents and grandparents and friends who came to watch and cheer for us!  



Friday, June 8, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:59 PM

Every Friday afternoon, we hold a class meeting where we talk about some of the good things that happened during the week. We also talk about some of the things we want to work on for the next week. Sometimes awards are given out, including a Firefly Award, which is given to a student who made our week particularly brighter! We end every meeting with compliments. Everyone is given a chance to give, get or pass. We love celebrating each other each week!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:17 PM

No, not really, but we learned a new game today where the object is NOT to smile or laugh! Ask your child the rules and play it after dinner tonight! See if you can keep from laughing!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:17 AM

I  like  trucks  and  nas   car  racing .  I   like  the  movie  the   poler   express  and  the  movie   walle    also  I  trust   on   santa   claus .  I  like  santa   claus   because   santa    claus   has  alot  of   presents  also  he  comes  to  all  homes  to   leave     presents.I  like  race  cars  also  monster  trucks  also  I  wish  I   could  be  a   train   driver.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:51 PM


Mrs. Gillette at the Later Elementary was doing some cleaning and was generous enough to share extra books with our class!  We were so thrilled to receive two BOXES of books for our classroom library!  We think Mrs. Gillette is a true B.U.G. - she is certainly GENEROUS!!