Thursday, June 6, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:59 AM

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3Yesterday all the second graders went to track and field day thats when every second grader races in three races one is long it was the two hundred meter another one is the one hundred meter race and the sevindy meter race.Then between the races are stations there are two stations that i like the patato sack and the three leged race that was fun that is you put a strap around your partners leg ans your and you walk to some cones. I liked track and field day it’s was fun i’m so glad i’m going to have it next year! - Delaney

Track 4 Track 5 Track 6Yesterday we went to track and field on Thursday June sixth and it was really fun. Last year I was the one giggling. The two hundred meter was the long race and I came in fourth place. The part that I like is the jablin and frisby and shot putting those were the ones I liked.The one hundred meter was short but not long. - Moises

Track 7 Track 8 Track 9 Track 10 Track 11 Track 12 Track 13 Track 14 Track 15 Track 16 Track 17

Track and field is really fun and when you run you run out of breath.Yesterday we went to track and field and it was really fun because we did the three leg race and it was fun.And we did the two hundred meter race and I won that race and i won every race and it was cool and it was really really cool and i want to go again.   - Trevor


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