Friday, June 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:44 AM
Never forget that you are Bright, Unique and Generous Students!!
(and please come visit!)
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:43 AM
Sigh.  Saying goodbye is the hardest part. 

 We gave Mrs. Stine a huge group hug.
She's been an amazing help this year and we will all miss her!
 We took one last picture...

...and then waved goodbye. 

The kids weren't the only ones that cried.  It's so hard to spend 178 days together, learning, laughing and growing without getting a bit attached.  But I know these BUGS are going to go far.  They will have a fantastic year next year, they will be life-long learners and they will continue to make people smile!

Thanks to all my BUGS this year for everything you taught ME!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:34 AM
This year the students were able to meet their new teacher on the last day of school.  I had the opportunity to meet next year's BUGS!! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:32 AM
 We could not have had better weather for Water World!  There was plenty of sunshine, plenty of giggles and, well, plenty of WATER!!

 There was Zumba dancing with Mrs. Brennan

 There were frog hopping races...

 ...and water tossing.
 There were relay races of all kinds...
 ...where the girls proved to be a bit more efficient than the boys.

There were sprinklers to play in, too!

 There was the great fire hose, (aka mud puddle mess)!
 There were shivers and giggles...
 ...and smiles with friends.
 Thankfully there were warm towels!
 And hugs!!
The Towel-Head Girls!!

Thanks to Mrs. Lee, Mrs. DePierre and all the parent volunteers for making this year's Water World a huge success!!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:08 AM
 Billy shared his pop-out art work.
 Emma A. shared her pop-out art work.
 Hannah shared her "hidden bridge" art work.
 James shared his "hidden bridge" art work.
 Kara shared her pop-out art work.
 Kolleana shared her scary story.
 We heard a play called, "Just Grace"
 "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"
 We learned that the king really  just wants butter on his bread (not marmalade!)...
...and that you have to work while the sun shines...

...and that if you Take a Mouse to School...
(also known as "If You Take a Teenager to School, He'll Probably Be Goofy Filling in for Abigail"!!)
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:33 AM
One of my favorite days of the year is Track and Field Day.  Mrs. DePierre and all the middle school student volunteers do a fantastic job of organizing and running this fun day of friendly competition.  The weather was fantastic, and parents and supporters filled the stands to cheer on their children!  

 Billy sprinting towards the finish.
 Jared racing for the lead.
 Airborne Avery.
 Kaylee sharing a smile with the crowd.
 Emma K. and Amelia heading towards the front.
 The mighty frisbee toss!
 Dylan showing off his long jump skills.
 All lined up and ready to run.  Go purple!!

 Sophie and Emma K.
 Jose and Orrin.
 Showing off shot put skills (aka "duck if you're behind the camera!")
 Emma A. is ready to go!
 Jaylen hopping to the cones in his potato sack.
 Billy didn't quite make it to the finish line!
 Jaylen, Emma A. and Kara.

 Sophie had so much fun running!
 Jose threatens his teacher with the javelin.
(Not a good idea if you want to get promoted to third grade!) :)
 Javelin throwing.
 Cameron and Prestyn waiting for the three-legged race to begin.

 Emma K. and Zoie had a lot of fun being three-legged.
 Kaylee and Hannah.
 Emma A. and Kara.
 Dylan and Orrin.
 Abigail and Maya.
 Billy proves that you run faster with your tongue hanging out.
 James speeds towards the finish line.

A very special moment to see Tyler who began in the year on crutches with two broken legs not only running every race at Track and Field, but WINNING!! 
Way to go Tyler!!

More than anything, Track and Field is a fun day with friends. 
Thanks to Mrs. DePierre and all the helpers who made it awesome (again!)