Monday, June 9, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:32 AM
 We could not have had better weather for Water World!  There was plenty of sunshine, plenty of giggles and, well, plenty of WATER!!

 There was Zumba dancing with Mrs. Brennan

 There were frog hopping races...

 ...and water tossing.
 There were relay races of all kinds...
 ...where the girls proved to be a bit more efficient than the boys.

There were sprinklers to play in, too!

 There was the great fire hose, (aka mud puddle mess)!
 There were shivers and giggles...
 ...and smiles with friends.
 Thankfully there were warm towels!
 And hugs!!
The Towel-Head Girls!!

Thanks to Mrs. Lee, Mrs. DePierre and all the parent volunteers for making this year's Water World a huge success!!


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