Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:50 PM
McKenna is a new student at Paw Paw Early Elementary this year!  She is coming to us from Parchment where she went to school from Preschool through First Grade.  McKenna now lives in Paw Paw with her family, which includes her little brother, Jackson (who will be attending Cedar Street!) McKenna was riding her bike when I stopped by for a visit.  She was really excited about showing me her rainbow loom (she makes all kinds of beautiful things!) and her room (where she was sorting her money into piles!)  McKenna's family just rescued a dog three days ago.  They think they will name him "Dexter" but they aren't totally sure yet (we'll have to ask her again in August!)  McKenna also loves to play golf and, of course, READ!! 

Welcome to our school and our class, McKenna!  You're going to love it at Paw Paw Early Elementary! 


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