Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:30 PM
Open House is one of my all-time favorite days of the year.  Every professional should have a day when clients come in the door giggling and excited, full of hugs and smiles!  It was wonderful to see everyone, to meet new friends and families and to gear up for the school year together!  

New friends Azariana, Stephene, Thomas and McKenna.

Kathryn is excited to meet a new friend, McKenna.

Kyle and Kara share smiles!

Taya and Taylor are thrilled to be in the same class!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:56 PM
Today I met Taya (and her mom, and her brother...)  Taya has been keeping busy this summer with dance (she likes hip hop and tap the best!), playing with neighborhood friends and reading!  She showed me her amazing collection of Lego Friends (which she is hoping to get a few more of for her birthday next week - along with more books).  She got her hair cut this summer and donated her beautiful long locks to children with cancer.  How generous!  Taya is full of smiles and is excited about school starting. 

I had a great time meeting you today, Taya!  
See you at Open House!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:53 AM
This is Dawson and his new puppy, Notch.  Dawson lives out near Eagle Lake in Paw Paw with his mom and dad.  Dawson has an older brother who is 17. Dawson was born in North Carolina and has lived in Georgia and Indiana before moving to Michigan a couple years ago.  He loves to read, swim and play with Legos.  He went swimming this summer when he went to visit his grandma in Indiana and sometimes he goes swimming in the lake near his house!  His absolute favorite thing in the whole world is MINECRAFT!!  

Thanks for getting up early on a Saturday morning to meet me, Dawson!