Friday, May 22, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:34 AM

One time my class went on a field trip to the middle school for Track and Field.One of the things we did was the Girls Races.The first one was the 200 meter dash. I came in 4th place.The second one was the 70 meter dash.I came in 2nd place.the next one was the 50 meter dash.I came in 3rd place.By Taylor

At Track and Field I had fun because  I hit Mrs.koehn by Elijah

long jump
  The long jump  you jump in to the sand pit you try to jump the farthest  i jump super far  i fell a lot  in the sand  pit i did not git dirty it was cool kids jump super far i did not jump that far i could not jump that far but every buty did super good.         by logan

The boys races were awesome because I ran all of them. There was the 200 meter race and the 100 meter race the 70 meter race and the 55 meter race. I learned that having fun and running is all that matters winning doesn't matter.  by Tanner

When my class went on a field trip to the Middle School for Track and Field one of our stations was the Potato Sack race. We had to get with a partner and take turns getting in the potato sack.Whatever partners got to a cone and back the most times won. When I tried to get to the cone I fell right on my face! By Taylor

When l did the potato ska is fun to do l love it when me and kara did it fun and when l cam
beak l fell on my bottom and my arm them it hurt.   By Emma

One day my class went to Track and Field. It was fun! We did the Spoon Race. It fell a lot. We went backwards once. When we went backwards it fell even more. When I went the first time I never dropped it. It was amazing and cool. I only dropped it three times the whole time. I was amazed at myself.   By Taya

The spoon race has a spoon and egg it was a lot of fun at track and field you can try it at home it would be lots of fun at home By Tanner

My class went to Track and Field on Thursday. We did the three legged race. I had fun. by Taya

We all had a great time at track and field this year.  Thanks to Mrs. DePierre for organizing the event and training us in the activities!  Thanks to the middle school helpers for volunteering their time to help coordinate the event, thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came to cheer us on and thank you to PTO for the bandanas!! 

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:35 AM
For our nonfiction sharing day, the students decided to demonstrate their learning by creating huge hallway displays using nonfiction text features!  They came up with the ideas of what to display and even how to display it in most cases!  I supplied the paper and answered questions, but they used their imaginations and the computers to create some amazing displays of learning!  
One group created a ginormous life cycle of a chicken!  They used arrows and informational blocks of text to share what they knew about each stage!

Another group wanted to create a giant butterfly so they could identify and label the parts of the butterfly!

A third group decided to share the parts of a plant with everyone.  They used labels and a diagram with a title to share their information.  (When Taya saw how close their diagram was to the butterfly that's always in our hallway, she asked if she could label the butterfly, too.  She was quick to point out the importance of butterflies to a plant and appropriately labeled it a "pollen spreader"!!)

Finally, we had a pair of students who wanted to use a timeline feature to share the development of a chick inside the egg!  They captured the 21-day process very well and used their computer skills to capture images as well as to record text!

I am so impressed with not only what the students learned during this exciting unit, but how well they used what they were reading in what they wrote, and how they wrote about what they learned in science, and how throughout it all, they found ways to read to gain more information!  

Friday, May 15, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:44 PM
Chickens have different colored feathers. They can be Red,Yellow, Black and Brown. All chickens have Tail feathers and Wings. By Steph

Combine Tractor  

When It was Agg Day We got to see a Combine tractor and It was big. When I saw the wheel it was taller then me and then I sat in the wheel Mckenna and Taylor Fit in it to with me. They told us that It could drive It self.  by Darrin

dairy   calves
The  boy  one  is  called   a  bull   the girl  cow  is almost  200  pounds   that is very heavy. They  were  as big  as me by Azariana

I learned at Ag day is you should be careful around horses because the girl that was showing us one of the horses. She said that she was little she put the lead around her hand and the horse got spooked and her hand came off and they could not put her hand back on. By Kara

I loved ag day I got to look at chickens and bunnies and goats and skins of animals.
I learned about safed and horses and sheep goats too we learned that a dokies can
holed 4 people wow I learned a lot at agg day by Selah

There was a girl that teach us about plants that grow in michigan apples they grow better in michigan because the ground is  weter underground it is wet  the apples taste better.   by Logan

I loved ag day it was a lot of fun.Trapping was a little weird. All my classmates got to touch them. They were all  soft. The one I liked the most is the fox one.Emily my friend liked the fox too because she loves fox. By McKenna

there was a boy who taught us about pigs . he said at four months old he kills the  pigs  he also taught us if there's a runt they bottle feed the pig .by kathryn

I learned about  rabbits that they are smart By Marianna

I learned that 2 people should not sit together on a Combined because you can fall off. I also learned that you should not stand behind a big animal because it can hit you or inger you.  By Abigail

when we went to learn about the meat cows I learn that only the black cows give meat because the black and white cows give milk. The part that you can get the meat from the thigh and the stomach. by Ana

When we went to Ag day and shall tomato plants and planted them I had fun. by Elijah

A huge thank you to Mrs. Butler for planning this second grade field trip! We learned so much about Michigan agriculture!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:14 PM
Even Rebecca the falcon thought today was a great day for hatching!  
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:31 PM
This afternoon another egg started to hatch.  It was really taking awhile for the little chick to push its way out so we called in our resident "chick whisperer", Stephene.  She has been talking to the chicks for the past three weeks and has kept careful tabs on the temperature as well.  She sat down next to the incubator and encouraged the chick to come out and within just a few minutes, out she came! We decided it was only fair to name the chick after Stephene, so we chose her middle name and we call this one, "Robin".  Well done, Stephene!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:24 AM
This morning when I came in around 5, this little one was just working his/her way out of the egg.  It wasn't long and it was hopping all around and chirping like crazy!  

(The first chick is still slow to recover from hatching.  I'm keeping a close eye on him/her.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:51 PM
21 days have passed and today is Hatching Day!  We heard the first chirp around 9:30 and had the first sighting of broken shell a little while later.  Not much changed throughout the day.  At day's end, we have three eggs with one little air hole poked from inside, but not much more!  I'll keep posting pictures as things happen!  

Mid-day.  Two eggs with holes.

Getting closer!

Too tired to come all the way out of the shell!