Friday, May 22, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:35 AM
For our nonfiction sharing day, the students decided to demonstrate their learning by creating huge hallway displays using nonfiction text features!  They came up with the ideas of what to display and even how to display it in most cases!  I supplied the paper and answered questions, but they used their imaginations and the computers to create some amazing displays of learning!  
One group created a ginormous life cycle of a chicken!  They used arrows and informational blocks of text to share what they knew about each stage!

Another group wanted to create a giant butterfly so they could identify and label the parts of the butterfly!

A third group decided to share the parts of a plant with everyone.  They used labels and a diagram with a title to share their information.  (When Taya saw how close their diagram was to the butterfly that's always in our hallway, she asked if she could label the butterfly, too.  She was quick to point out the importance of butterflies to a plant and appropriately labeled it a "pollen spreader"!!)

Finally, we had a pair of students who wanted to use a timeline feature to share the development of a chick inside the egg!  They captured the 21-day process very well and used their computer skills to capture images as well as to record text!

I am so impressed with not only what the students learned during this exciting unit, but how well they used what they were reading in what they wrote, and how they wrote about what they learned in science, and how throughout it all, they found ways to read to gain more information!  


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