Friday, September 4, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:36 AM
My favorite day of the whole year!  Everyone should have a day when they get to meet 25 new friends and see a colorful new classroom!  I love meeting all the families that I will spend this school year with (as well as seeing familiar faces from past years as well!)  Thanks to everyone who stopped by last night to visit and laugh!  

Madelynn, Danielle and Devin

Sean, Judah, Devin, Grant and Jacob

Nathan, Spencer and Jayden

Caleb and Abby

Blake, Carter and Evan

Tyler (a BUG from a couple years ago!) and Ava

I know I missed a couple along the way, but I hope you all had as much fun as I did!
 See you on Tuesday!


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