Friday, May 19, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:06 AM
We started our day learning about a steer that was off to the fair in July.

We learned how much he weighs, what he eats, what we use cow hides for and what cuts of meat we can get from one.
We also learned an amazing fact that cow tongues are all as unique as our fingerprints!

Then we went to learn about pigs.  There were three little pigs...(sounds like a great story!)
They were only a few weeks old!  We learned lots of great information about swine!  Karleigh knew ALL the answers to the quiz, too!  Way to go, Karleigh!

Next we visited two holstein calves.
One was a bull calf and one will be a milk cow when she grows up!

We went outside and planted some begonias!  We remembered what we had already learned about what plants need.  We gave them some dirt, a bit of water and promised to plant them so they will get some sunshine at home (but not too much!)

There was a fascinating station all about bees!
We knew some things about bees, but we learned even more!  We learned that the female bees do all the work!

We got to pet some sheep...

...and a baby goat!
We learned what we use sheep and goats for and how they remove their horns.

We also met a rooster.
He goes to a lot of shows so he is used to people touching him and looking at him closely!
We remembered learning about the comb and the wattle in class!

There was a guy there who had all kinds of animal pelts for us to see!  
It was cool to see and touch coyote fur, skunk, badger and bobcat pelts!  
We also got to see a couple skulls from animals!

This station taught us a lot about farm safety!
There were so many terrible things happening on this pretend farm we decided we never wanted to visit there!
We now know of ways we can be much safer when we are on a farm!

Our last stop was at the combine!  It was HUGE!!
We learned all about the crops it can harvest and what the farmer does when the bin gets full!

We had a great day at the fairgrounds!!
Thanks to Mrs. Butler for arranging this field trip and to all the students at the fairgrounds who taught us so much about Michigan agriculture today!


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