Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
The PTO at the Early Elementary is truly amazing!  Fundraisers like the Paw Paw Prowl help to make these events possible, but the volunteers who take the time and put in the long hours also make days like today possible.  Every student at the elementary level received a FREE BOOK of their very own today!

Students took time to pick out a book that was just perfect for them!

Not only did they want an interesting book...

...but they also wanted one they would be able to read over and over again!

After picking just the right book, students were able to take these books home to add to their personal libraries!

Thank you so much to all the parents and families who support our school.  A huge thank you to the PTO as well for making this event possible!



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