Saturday, April 28, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:53 AM
Here is the current link for the live streaming:

Friday, April 27, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:29 AM
We read "Gregor the Overlander" by Suzanne Collins (author of "The Hunger Games") as a read aloud last month.  It totally hooked some of our kids!
Charlotte is re-reading book one of the series.  

Kit is reading book two of the series. 

Landon is reading the third book of the series.

Hayden has read the first FOUR books and is on the very last book of the series. 
He has DEVOURED these books!!

Addison skipped ahead and is also reading book five!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:14 AM

Monday, April 23, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:57 AM
This morning our caterpillars have formed "J's" as they get ready to shed their skin for the last time, this time turning that skin into a chrysalis! We are so excited about the transformation that will take place inside each chrysalis over the next week or so!  

Butterflies are coming!!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:00 PM
We have been working in the computer lab on our animal research projects!

We have been learning how to search for information and how to take notes in our own words.

We are learning so much about our animals! 
Next week we will be putting all our research into different projects so that others can learn about these animals, too!

We can't wait to share our learning with everyone!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:30 PM
Mrs. Albertson's kindergarten class invited us to dine at their annual Black River Cafe!

We were seated by our waiter or waitress who then took our order.

We got to order one snack, one dessert and one drink!

Our order was delivered right to our table!

The food was delicious!

When we finished, we got a bill and paid for our meal at the register. 

We loved eating at the Black River Cafe!
The Kindergarteners did a great job!
Thank you Mrs. Albertson's class for inviting us!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:10 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:59 AM
We worked in pairs today in math to create two different arrays with the same number of tiles.
We are learning through manipulation what an array is and we are continually practicing the terms "row" and "column". 

One partner used the tiles to make an array and then the other partner rearranged (we liked this word because it goes with our spelling pattern of prefixes this week) the tiles to make a different array!

When we finished with the arrays, we wrote repeated addition sentences for both arrays.
We understand that an array with 4 rows of 5 is the same number of tiles as an array with 4 columns of 5.

This hands-on manipulation of tiles really helps us build a foundation for multiplication, division, fractions and even reading graphs!! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:45 AM
We just can't believe how fast these caterpillars are growing!! 
All they do is eat and shed and eat and shed...

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:34 AM

Caterpillars arrived today!! 
They are so tiny when they first arrive, but they grow SO FAST!!
We are excited to watch them shed their skins, turn into chrysalises and then turn into butterflies!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:16 AM
It must be spring because we have started working on our animal research projects!!

We are working with a partner to learn about an animal and to create some sort of display or book or project where others can learn about the animal, too!

Today we thought about what nonfiction text features we want to include...

...and we started a rough design of our project!  "Starting With the End in Mind" is one of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids that we have been learning an practicing this year!  Having our plan in places helps us know what research we need to do, what materials we will need and what help we need from adults!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM

As we continue to learn about life cycles, we focus a whole lot on EGGS today!!  
First, we put eggs in the incubator. Later, we learned about the parts of an egg.  We used raw and cooked eggs so we could easily see all the parts! 

We learned about the membrane, yolk, albumen, germinal disc and the chalazae.  Each part has a very important role to play in helping a baby chick to develop!

We learned a LOT in this egg-speriment!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:10 PM

Today we put thirteen eggs into the incubator.  We put some water in the bottom trays to help keep the air moist.  We watch the temperature closely, and keep it right at 100 degrees.  Twice a day we will turn the eggs, just as a mother hen would do.  On or around May 1st, we hope to have some chickens hatching!

A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Seelye for bringing us eggs to hatch!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:25 AM
Tell one thing you learned over Spring Break and one thing you did that was just for fun.

One thing I learned on spring break is to think about others because I sometimes do not. One thing I did for fun is going swimming because I love to swim. By Hayden

One thing I learned is that you should relax. One thing I did for fun is watch Jumanji. By Landon

One thing I learned over spring break was that Winter the dolphin was born in 1980 and one thing I did for fun was we went to Mall Of America. By Addison

One thing that I learned over spring break is at Indian Rocks there is always stingrays at Indian Rocks because I went to Florida for spring break. One thing I did for fun is go shopping and go to the beaches. By Kit

One thing I learned is how a person's body werks in a book. One thing I did for fun is I mayed up a game called hop and jump. By Mayeli

One thing I learned over spring break was a new song on the guitar. Something I did for fun is I did a performance on stage. Another thing I did for fun was I went  to Safari Joes.Those are the things I did over spring break. by Ava 

One thing I learned over Spring Break how to learn to tell time it was very hard at first but I got it.  One thing I did for fun is my friend came to my house to play. By Caylin

I learned to swim in Florida before the MSC cruise. What I did for fun is I ate a lot of ice cream. Riley J.

One thing I learned at spring brake is how to play Connect Four. One thing I did for fun is had a sleepover. By Alison

Over Spring break I learned how to add big numbers. What I did for fun is skits with my friend  and I went to my other friends house. By Charlotte

One thing I learned is how to read hard books.  A thing I did for fun is dance funny. By Rachel D.                                           
One thing I learned over spring break is how to make an origami. One thing I did for fun is go bowling. By Aiden

One thing I learned over spring break was adding big  problems that is what I learned. The fun thing was going to my grandma's house. By Jayden     

I learned that my cousin Drew got sick. He had to go to the hospital from Maine. One thing I did for fun was I went to an Easter Egg Hunt.  It was my cousin's birthday. Now she is one. by Natalie

What I learned over spring break was my sister wouldn't share with me so I talk to my mom and she said just go outside and I said ok. What I did for fun is play with my sisters . By Parker

I learned that New York City is crowded you have to slam on the gas. One thing I did for fun was watch a street show my dad was in it. By Brennen

I red in the car when i went to tenase and the fun was i went to  the arkade by Luke

I learned how to make drums. I only played with my birthday Carter