Monday, April 9, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:25 AM
Tell one thing you learned over Spring Break and one thing you did that was just for fun.

One thing I learned on spring break is to think about others because I sometimes do not. One thing I did for fun is going swimming because I love to swim. By Hayden

One thing I learned is that you should relax. One thing I did for fun is watch Jumanji. By Landon

One thing I learned over spring break was that Winter the dolphin was born in 1980 and one thing I did for fun was we went to Mall Of America. By Addison

One thing that I learned over spring break is at Indian Rocks there is always stingrays at Indian Rocks because I went to Florida for spring break. One thing I did for fun is go shopping and go to the beaches. By Kit

One thing I learned is how a person's body werks in a book. One thing I did for fun is I mayed up a game called hop and jump. By Mayeli

One thing I learned over spring break was a new song on the guitar. Something I did for fun is I did a performance on stage. Another thing I did for fun was I went  to Safari Joes.Those are the things I did over spring break. by Ava 

One thing I learned over Spring Break how to learn to tell time it was very hard at first but I got it.  One thing I did for fun is my friend came to my house to play. By Caylin

I learned to swim in Florida before the MSC cruise. What I did for fun is I ate a lot of ice cream. Riley J.

One thing I learned at spring brake is how to play Connect Four. One thing I did for fun is had a sleepover. By Alison

Over Spring break I learned how to add big numbers. What I did for fun is skits with my friend  and I went to my other friends house. By Charlotte

One thing I learned is how to read hard books.  A thing I did for fun is dance funny. By Rachel D.                                           
One thing I learned over spring break is how to make an origami. One thing I did for fun is go bowling. By Aiden

One thing I learned over spring break was adding big  problems that is what I learned. The fun thing was going to my grandma's house. By Jayden     

I learned that my cousin Drew got sick. He had to go to the hospital from Maine. One thing I did for fun was I went to an Easter Egg Hunt.  It was my cousin's birthday. Now she is one. by Natalie

What I learned over spring break was my sister wouldn't share with me so I talk to my mom and she said just go outside and I said ok. What I did for fun is play with my sisters . By Parker

I learned that New York City is crowded you have to slam on the gas. One thing I did for fun was watch a street show my dad was in it. By Brennen

I red in the car when i went to tenase and the fun was i went to  the arkade by Luke

I learned how to make drums. I only played with my birthday Carter


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