Friday, September 7, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:00 PM
We had a great first week in fourth grade!!  We spent time getting to know each other, the building, classroom rules and Mrs. Koehn!  We also spent time testing, (of course) which we know helps us to track our growth and progress over the year.  It also helps Mrs. Koehn to know what we need to learn!! The most important thing we did this week was....READ!!!  While our classroom library is still "under construction", we still made reading a priority!  
Mr. Davison talked with us about building rules and expectations.
He is super excited about this year!

Ava and Lydia found good books!

The girls found a quiet reading corner to check out some books!

Had to get comfortable to read!

Shane jumped right into the book he picked out!

Sophia was hooked on a poetry book.

A great place to start!

Natalie was a busy reader in the corner!

Stretching out makes reading more fun!

We all have book bins to hold our book choices for us!

Brandyn was enjoying his "Bad Guys" book!

Mia was reading a poetry book, too!

Michael dug right into a great book!

We took assessments on our math facts and problem solving skills.

We also took some assessments on the iPads! 
Our new "Wonders" curriculum has a LOT of online resources for us to use!

We are off to a great start!!


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