Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:50 AM

Nothing beats a nice walk on a sunny day except maybe reading a good book!


Today we took a walk down the block and through the woods to the Paw Paw Public Library.  ImageMiss Whitney gave us a tour.


We saw some memorabilia from the Twin Towers.

ImageThe window boxes are a great place to curl up and read a book!


There's even a place in the floor where you can see the buried time capsule!
We wonder what's inside!

ImageMiss Whitney is the best reader of "Flip Flap Jack".  We love doing the hand motions!

She also read a great book about vowels called "E-mergency!"
We really loved this book!


Then Miss Whitney showed us how to do Jacob's Ladder with string.
She told us if we come back to see her at the library, she will give each of us a string to keep!  How generous is that?


We sure loved our visit to the library today.
We can't wait to come back this summer and check out books!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:02 PM

Every day if we get to go outside and it’s not raining my friends Hailey ,Taylor and Ryleigh and me play Vampire’s i’m the baby and Taylor’s the mom and Hailey is my pet bat her name is Batty Ryleigh is.........well everything  sometimes she’s Puppy the pet dog sometimes she’s my aunt .

We play parts of Vampire’s sometimes Hailey,Taylor and Ryleigh chases me case i got away or i’m sleepwalking. Other times we play Vampire’s the other way we get on the marygoround and I get sleepy and i sleepwalk and I wake up and try to get away.

I love playing Vampire’s because it’s fun infact i hope we go out today so we can play Vampire’s ! When we play Vampire’s i feel like an actor . Me Hailey, Taylor and Ryleigh are best friends . - by Delaney

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:36 AM
We have been switching over to Google Docs for our blogging needs and so today we celebrated getting all the bugs (pardon the pun!) worked out by letting everybody blog!  We are so excited about using Google Docs!  First, the high schoolers will be moving to Google Docs this year, so we feel very "in" and prepared beyond our years! :)  Secondly, using this platform allows the students to blog without assistance from me to save to a flash drive and transfer it to the blog.  I'm still the Editor-In-Chief, but they can write, save and log off for the next person without any assistance!  Finally, it allows me more freedom and time to get the blogs posted!  You all have noticed, I'm sure that I go in spurts - when Room 18 gets busy, I tend to forget about getting the blogs posted!  Google Docs makes it a couple steps easier for me!

So, read on!  Enjoy the blogging by these amazing second graders!

Topic: Free Write!

I love video games . I play Batman Arkam city and Batman Arkam Asylum. But there rated Teen. my Dad said there ok to play because theres nothing bad about them because the movies. by Noah.O

Yesterday I gave my little brother a kiss and asked my little brother to give me a kiss back he opened his mouth very  wide and gave me a kiss it was funny because he is only seven months old .hailey

Yesterday I went to my friend’s house to go swimming. I asked my friend to ask her mom to see if it was ok. I would not want to go swimming without asking if it was ok.So she asked and she said yes. so I got my swimsuit on and jumped in.-by phoebe

Drag racing is fun because there are the shortest race in the world.

Nascars are fun to watch because I like when they crash then they have to the pit stop so they can be fixed then they can go back to the race so they can win the champion cup of the whole entire world. by moises

I am writing about my dog Tank. My dog Tank is vary funny because he sumetimes pushes me into the wall and he sits againts me.

Tank sumetimes chases me around in the house like we are playing tag. Playing tag is really fun because Tank follows me and Josh around.

When anybody goes into a room Tank follows me,my mom, my dad and Josh and sits their   waiting for them to come out or when someone calls him he goes to the person who called him.

Tank is the funniest dog I know because he comes thew the kitchen and taps me with his tail.  -by krystiana F.

Today at school I past out cards to poepoel to kum to my pote at Aer lans and tes are thay names are Sam Levi Will Gerant Rikey. by Ethan

Yesterday I went to a ball game. It was Goolbles vs the Purple team. It was a hour long. The purple team won the game. It was 18 to 6. My cousin was on the purple team. You had to bring your own chair, and there was a table. There was a ball that went over the big gray fence three times. By Dominick

A week after schools over me and my friend Sarah and her sister Ashly  and are parents are going camping !

Were going to ride are bikes and play cards and color  were going to have a fun time I hope Sarahs going to like it Sarah and me have been friends since kindergarden .

Sarah has a brother named Tyler and a sister named Ashly her moms name is Shana .  Sarah is like a sister to me she’s funny  she’s helpful .

We have a I Care Club thing in are school and Sarah’s one of it  I am to  . The I Care Club is students that care they help people we have a card and once you have done something good you get a little punch in your card . Sarah and me are best friends and we will always be -Delaney

Once opon a time there was a dog that could sing and his owner din’t know that he could sing.  Then one day the owner took Spark for a walk. Spark was lissing to his owner sing and Spark had herd for the song before in his life.  Spark all most got caut singing it with his owner on the sidewalk.  Then Spark stopped and frozz for a secont. The owner said spark lets go and we are all most home.

When they got home spark got of his leash and........Poof! there was the most prityest girl spark has ever seen in his life.

So the two of the of them lived hapiy ever after.  -By Cheyenne

I am exited because in September my sister Cadiasa is coming to this school Paw Paw Early Elementary School. I will take good care of her in school because she is my sister and if I do not take good care of her I would get in trouble.

On the bus i HAVE to take care of her because there might be alot of people on the bus and alot of screaming. If she was sitting on the edge she can fall of. I would say she would have to sit down on the because she probaly wont know not to sit down.

We will be in different schools I will be in Later Elementary and she will be in Early Elementary.she will be in first grade and I will be in third grade and she will miss me.-Carlysha.

Hailey came over to my house on Saturday! We had a lot of fun until I cut my foot. That part about me cutting my foot wasn’t fun at all. I got a band aid on my foot and was okay,but my foot still was hurting. Hailey and I went inside we started playing. Then we went to Mcdonalds and we played in the play land after we ate. Hailey and I were spying on my mom and dad,but they noticed so I don’t think we did a very good job. - By Taylor

Hi my name is Ryleigh and I am a kid.

I know how to do football but would like to play and see if I like playing it I am going to play it in the full time and it is going to be really fun and I can play it with my dad.

 I would like to tell you about my dog at home who I live with I love him. My dog is really playful to all the kids that I know and I being to my house.

My Grandma is going to take me to the movies tonight and I am going to have fun I am going to have my two brothers come with me to the movies. What are you going to do this weekend? - by Ryleigh

Hi my name is noah and i am a kid in 2 grade. when i was 6.and now i want to play ice hoky.yester day I praktsd my was fun.but my dad is sining me back up for kroty.after school I i’m going to ask if I can praktis more!I can’t wate for next week.-noah P.

I am excited because the whole class gets to go to Dutch  Village  and I hope I like it  I know I will like it.

I have never got to go there before my mom and dad say the people there where would my mom will maybe  getting a new van.

The whole reason why I went to  Washingtion DC is for the new van  it is very pretty  we have family there so we did not stay in a hotel they are cool cousons they are funny too.   - by Audrie

Math i will be talking about math is were you have adding that is one thing that I am talking about there is more on the way and there are  stratin and you can not done. I will be tollking about reading caz you can read outside you can read in the libare and you can read inside to. - By Shayla

Hey this is Lindy the funniest of all today we are doing something funny . Okay here it is once upon a time there was an ugly princess who live in a  house then she found a prince like too too ugly so then they got so happy they fell asleep and then they waked up super happy the end. Once there was a girl she was nice and then she trond  into a dog then they jump on her then she felt hurt then she did something mean too something . But you half to wait to be nice but i’m sorry but the show is not over yet. - by Lindy