Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:50 AM

Nothing beats a nice walk on a sunny day except maybe reading a good book!


Today we took a walk down the block and through the woods to the Paw Paw Public Library.  ImageMiss Whitney gave us a tour.


We saw some memorabilia from the Twin Towers.

ImageThe window boxes are a great place to curl up and read a book!


There's even a place in the floor where you can see the buried time capsule!
We wonder what's inside!

ImageMiss Whitney is the best reader of "Flip Flap Jack".  We love doing the hand motions!

She also read a great book about vowels called "E-mergency!"
We really loved this book!


Then Miss Whitney showed us how to do Jacob's Ladder with string.
She told us if we come back to see her at the library, she will give each of us a string to keep!  How generous is that?


We sure loved our visit to the library today.
We can't wait to come back this summer and check out books!


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