Friday, September 26, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:00 PM
I am always amazed at how quickly kids learn technology!  Today I showed the BUGS how to write a document in Google Docs.  It takes more steps than you might imagine!  First, they have to learn how to log in to Google.  Google opens up in Mail and they have to learn how to switch to Google Drive.  Then they have to choose what sort of document they want to make (presentation, document, spreadsheet, etc.) After choosing to create a new document, they have to remember to change the title of it to include their name.  NOW they can finally begin to type!  But typing is new to most kids!  They have to learn how to make capital letters and spaces, and how to get things like exclamation points and question marks to show up.  They also learn what the red squiggly line means underneath a word (spelled wrong) and what to do about it.

Finally, when they have conquered all of these steps and written something amazing to share with the whole world (abiding by our internet safety rules: never include your full name or contact information and never be mean), THEN they share the document with me (electronically) so I know to post it to our blog!  Do YOU know how to share a Google Document?!  I'll admit, my teenager taught me a couple years ago.  But now your second grader is learning how to do this!

So, when you read the BUG Blogs, keep in mind all the things they are learning in this process and how much this helps them to take online state assessments and to have internet safety lessons early on and to learn keyboarding functions and document formatting (like changing the font, the size, the color, etc.)   Be very proud of all that your child will learn this year - and you thought we were just blogging!!  :)

I am sowe ecsided that ime am going to the football game to nihnt. by ana

I love mazry  and I miss loki  he is cute and he is a dog    by selah 

 I am  going to  the  park  today. I am  so   exided.        by    tanner

samy play whith me  i play fech samy  by thomas

 I Iike to play  wif  my cat my cat like   to like   by emma

Great job blogging, BUGS!!  


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