Thursday, October 2, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:08 PM
We've been doing two interesting things lately (well, more than that, but for the purpose of this post...) 1) we've been reading Charlotte's Web, and 2) we've been talking about adjectives.  It turns out that the part of the book we're reading is when Charlotte is asking her barnyard friends for suggestions on a new adjective to put in her web that describes Wilbur (and might help save his life!)  We were eager to help Charlotte and so we created our own lists of adjectives that we thought were perfect for a pig like Wilbur.  We wrote about why we chose those particular words and how they described him well and then we used to create some adjective artwork!!!

This is a sample of what we created:

Now, to truly appreciate what the kids did today, you should see our hallway!

Stop by and see what ideas we have about Wilbur!
  (And come listen to the next chapter when we find out what word Charlotte chose!)


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