Friday, January 16, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:53 AM
In my kingdom, I would have at least 100 _________ because ____________ .

(Check out the comments for answers from the BUGS!)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i wold have 100 peper mints so i kan smel fresh have good breth. by logan

  3. In my kingdom I would have at least 100 swimming pools because then I could swim whenever I want to. I would also want 100 hot tubs because I could be warm during the winter. by Taya

  4. In my kingdom I would love to have at least 100 skittles! I would love that.That would be awesome because I love skittles! By Taylor.

  5. In my kingdom I would have 100 peices of crackers because I would have giraffes and they eat crackers.

  6. In my kingdom I would have 100 tea pots because princesses drink alot of tea like appel tea or lemen tea or green tea or peach tea plum tea abby

  7. In my kingdom I would have 100 cheese to feed all mouse and to eat and eat the cheese sandwich

  8. In my kingdom I would have at least 100 of dogs for people with out dogs and cats.Food for the people and dogs and cats and cake if they don't have homes we will have homes for them and selah

  9. in my kingdom i will have 100 pieces of food for my people cause they will go hungry if i don't if i do they wont by kara

  10. i would have 100 of dinosaurs because they could be in the museum alive .by darrin

  11. I

    I will 100 toys because then I would play with my brother all the time. by Tanner

  12. In my kingdom I will have 100 of swings because I love by Marianna

  13. in my kingdom i would have at least 100 of dragons because dragons are cute by peter

  14. In my kingdom I would have a least 100 of fruit and vestibules because I want to stay healthy and so every one stays healthy and I would want ice cream so I have good food to. by Ana

  15. In my kingdom I would have 100 flower's because I love butterfly's and bee's flying happily.By stehp

  16. in my kingdom I would have hundred tiaras because I would take care of them to survive and make people who poach go to jail .kathryn
