Monday, January 26, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:07 AM

Dear Parents:

Today I am sending home our first “minute read”.  I will be sending these home every Monday for the remainder of the school year to help increase fluency, sight word recognition and decoding skills. Please help your student to complete their minute read activities every day (it only takes a minute! J )

Monday: Have your student start at the top of the story and read as far as they are able in one minute.  As your child reads, mark any words your student read incorrectly on the recording page.  At the end of one minute, draw a line where your student stopped (you might want to put a small “M” above the line so you know that was for Monday). At the bottom of the page, note how many words your child read correctly in that one minute for Monday.

Tuesday - Friday:  Repeat the process exactly as you did for Monday.  You should see your student getting a little further each day and getting more words correctly. 
Repeated readings really helps to solidify sight words and newly decoded words into our brains for future readings. 

At the end of the week, celebrate the progress with your student!!  Note any words s/he is still struggling with for continued practice. 


1. If there are new words in the story that your child does not know, look them up, learn what they mean and then record them on a “word list” or index card and build up a vocabulary bank of new words learned!

2. Ask questions about what your child read each day!  Talk about any words they read incorrectly (did it change the meaning of the sentence?) and discuss the facts in the story.

Return the recording page on Monday to Mrs. Koehn
 (keep the story page for future reading practice!)


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