Friday, June 12, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:50 AM

What we want to be when we grow up.  One of my favorite things to do each year!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:46 AM
We read a story called "Someday..." by Eileen Spinelli.  In the story the narrator talks about the big plans she has for "someday" and the things she is doing right now that remind her of those dreams.  We all took a turn writing our own "Someday" story.  Here are some of our favorite snippets...

"Someday...I will be a famous biker.  I will go all over the world so all kinds of people can see me.  Also, I will make lots of money for doing jumps and tricks.  Someday...
Right now I'm riding my bike to the duck pond to see the ducks.  The ducks sometimes talk to me.  I think they want a bike.  I don't think they would ride it very well."  by Taylor

"Someday...I will be a great writer and everyone will read my book.  Right now, I am reading a book."  by McKenna

"Someday...I will be a famous singer.  Everyone will come to my concerts.  Even other singers will come.  Everyone will be amazed at how great I am.  The other singers will ask for advice and I will say, "Yes."  Someday...
Today I am singing in the shower."  by Taya

"Someday...I am going to be in the NFL.  Running and tackling the player with the ball.  Being on defense and offense.  Right now...I'm watching a football game.  The Lions are against the Bears.  The Lions just scored a touchdown!"  by Darrin

"Someday...I will have a pet tiger.  Her name will be Sweetie.  I will ride her all over the world.  Right now, I am trying to ride my big dog Onix.  He will not let me ride him.  That is not good."  by Kara

"Someday I want to meet a deer and name her Whisper.  Right now, I'm feeding my cats."  by Stephene

"Someday...I'll be a teacher.  I'll teach kindergarten.  Someday...But right now, I'm playing pretend school with my brothers."  by Ana

"Someday, I'll be the world's most famous archaeologist.  I will look for rocks and fossils!  I will make the world's most hugest and famous rock museum in the world.  Billions of people will come to buy rocks.  I'll be rich.   Right now, I'm in my driveway looking for cool rocks.  Brushing them off with a big paint brush.  That's the only brush I have.  I put them in my bag.  I show my mom at least all my rocks I found.  Well the cool awesome very terrific rocks I find."  by Emily

"Someday...I will fly like a bird.  Right now, I'm jumping on my bed."  by Selah

"Someday...I want to have a sleep over with a queen and two prinseses.  We will do matres sledding.  Someday...Right now, I am having a sleep over with my dog Flower.  It is not fun."  by Abigail

"Someday...I will be a farmer.  Right now, I am cleaning my barn."  by Marianna

"Someday...I imagine getting $500000 dollars from a king.  In the meantime, I am getting $5 from my Grampa."  by Logan

"Someday...I'll be an artist.  I will be very famous.  I will sign autographs.  Right now, I'm practicing cartoons.  Right now I am working with my dad."  by Kathryn

"Someday...I would race and I will be the fassest car and I will win the golden trofe.  Right now, I am playing with my toy cars."  by Elijah

"Someday...I will have a megladon.  I have a pet right now."  by Kyle

"Someday...I am going to be sitting at Barnes and Noble signing books for children and adults.  They will tell me how much they love my story and how it made them giggle or maybe even cry (but in a good way!)  Everyone will want to take a selfie with me and the mothers and the teachers in the room will all want to know when my next book is coming out and if they can pre-order a copy.  Someday...Right now, I am writing my grocery list.  I wonder if Jacob needs more cereal.  Does Mr. james want chicken or meatloaf for dinner?  I better not forget dog food this time!"  -by Mrs. Koehn

"Someday, I will talk to a fish and I will name it Ginger and it will be a girl and I will not let her get on my back and she will maybe let me on her back maybe.  Right now, I am going to eat my watermelon instead.  I wll not play with my fish.  Then when I get done with my watermelon I want more please mom."  by Emma

"Someday...I will face my fear of spiters. Right now I will be brave and face my fear!"  by Daesha

"Someday...I will live with Abby.  Right now...I am living with my mom."  by Azariana

"Someday.. I will run like Sonic and at the same speed.  But right now I just run fast."  by Tanner

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:26 AM
We had fantastic weather for Water World this year!

The kids showed off their hopping abilities!

They always love the fire truck hose!

They used their javelin throwing skills from Track and Field!

They also showed how well they can shoot hoops in the sprinkler field!

They ran the obstacle course...

...ducked through the hoops!

Good thing there was a hose on hand for quick drinks!

They loved getting soaked... well as soaking their friends!

They even showed off their dance moves!

This event is not possible without the many parent volunteers and extensive planning and work by Mrs. Lee, Mrs. DePierre and Ms. Miller.  Thanks to everyone who made this event possible!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:00 PM
We walked down the street, around the corner and even through the woods to the Paw Paw Public Library today!
We love our library!!

We also love Ms. Whitney and the summer reading program!

We are all excited about reading this summer!

Look at all the cool prizes we could win - just by reading!!

Ms. Whitney always sings us the "Flip Flap Jack" song!  We love it!

She also read us "E-mergency!" Which is a great book about the alphabet letters!

She even did a cool string trick with Abby's arm!

Mark your calendars and come to the summer reading kickoff on June 11th from 4-7pm!
Lots of great activities will be happening all summer long at the library!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:09 PM
What a beautiful day to spend at Dutch Village!

We saw Dutch costumes and Dutch dancing!

We listened to the "Golden Angel" organ.

We learned how and WHY the Dutch wore wooden shoes!

There were week-old baby goats to cuddle with...

...and ponies to ride!

There were "epic" moments of bravery!

Smiling friends on the Feris Wheel.

There was ice cream bigger than our heads...

...and wonderful parents who chaperoned!

There were wings to make us smile and laugh...

...and shoulders to sleep on during the bus trip home!

Thanks to all the parent chaperones who truly make the day possible!  Thank you to PTO for providing transportation for us again this year!  We had a wonderful time!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:31 PM
What are your favorite things to do outside in the summer?

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:15 PM
We're wrapping up our poetry unit and have a few days of Writer's Workshop time on our hands.  At this point in the year, I allow students the opportunity to write anything they want in any style they want to.  They can use their writing notebooks and the writing books we have in the classroom as resources, and I ask that they still use the writing process, but they can choose to write more poetry, or a fictional story, a play, a song, a nonfiction poster or research paper, a letter or a journal page.  Whatever their heart desires!  

Today I watched Ana and Darrin swap stories to get some feedback on their brainstorming and drafts.  Ana was writing a letter.  Darrin is working on a research paper on frogs.  

Taya started thinking about writing a scary story, but decided to write a letter instead.

Azariana used some of our books to help her decide if there's another kind of poem she'd like to write!

It's wonderful to watch the students use what they have learned to express themselves in words!  I love to see students that never enjoyed writing get excited about a project!  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:25 PM
We're studying the life cycle of a frog in Science.  We're watching the tadpoles Emma brought in our classroom and we're doing research about our wonderings (Do froglets croak?  What's the difference between a frog and a toad?) We're also comparing the life cycle of the frog to the life cycles of plants, chickens and butterflies.  (Today we figured out that chickens develop IN the egg, and frogs develop OUTSIDE the egg!!)  

Just to liven up our learning, we also found a song about the frog life cycle from the same musicians that did our butterfly rap.  (Just in case you're missing the rap!!)

Check it out!!