Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:09 PM
What a beautiful day to spend at Dutch Village!

We saw Dutch costumes and Dutch dancing!

We listened to the "Golden Angel" organ.

We learned how and WHY the Dutch wore wooden shoes!

There were week-old baby goats to cuddle with...

...and ponies to ride!

There were "epic" moments of bravery!

Smiling friends on the Feris Wheel.

There was ice cream bigger than our heads...

...and wonderful parents who chaperoned!

There were wings to make us smile and laugh...

...and shoulders to sleep on during the bus trip home!

Thanks to all the parent chaperones who truly make the day possible!  Thank you to PTO for providing transportation for us again this year!  We had a wonderful time!


  1. I had so much fun I got to go on the swings I got to hold a baby goat.
    By Kara

  2. I still wish I was in 2nd grade again I want to the field trips again with you mrs.kooehn. by kara
