Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:31 PM
What are your favorite things to do outside in the summer?


  1. My favorite to do out side is to do soccer so I can have fun. by Elijah

  2. I love to get in lake Michigan because it is hot out and lake Michigan is cold. I love to go to my friends because she has a golf cart and we drive it to her grandpas when we drive it the wind rushes past us. That is what I love to do.
    By Abigail

  3. I like to go on vacation with my dad this summer we are going to Wisconsin. the ether things i like to do in the summer is to ride my bike with my mom to git ice cream we would go down a big hill it made my bike go super fast and go camping every thing is fun in summer summer is super fun.

  4. I like to go swimming because it is really fun.I like to play with those diving things. There really fun to play with.Also I like to play with my penguin.By Emily

  5. I like to play with my dog because if I do not play with him he will be mad and I am going to get maybe a pool so I can play in it a lot By McKenna

  6. I like to eat ice cream because ice cream is cold but summer days are warm and cause its yummy. By Ana

  7. I like to go see family and I like to go swimming in my aunts pool because it is fun and it is hot out and I am in the cool water. By Kara

  8. Eat ice cream and jump on the trampoline with water. I will be going to go with my dad to Cannes. We are going to stay in a hotel we mite have pizza I don't think they have a pool I think this summer will be fun. By Selah

  9. I like to go to lake MI with my mom.To go swimming.I also like to go play with Abby.

  10. I like to swim at my grandmas house and play during the Fourth of July. I like to play on my sing set and on the neighbors trampoline.
    By Taya

  11. I like to swim because it gets really hot out I like to swing on the swing set and play with my friends by Kathryn

  12. In the summer I will go over to my Nauru burs house because I can swim over there. By Marianna

  13. Go to the beach and go stay at the farm with my grandma.I'll go to my friends house and have ice cream!
    This is going to be fan!
    By Stephene

  14. This summer I'm going to swim in pools,run around and a whole lot of other cool stuff. Summer is my favorite season because I don't have to go to school every day. Also because then we can swim in pools. By Taylor

  15. i would like to go to my BFF's house. By Daesha

  16. During the summer Ilike to go fishing because you get to eat fish for dinner. Or you can go fishing for fun. I go fishing for both reasons because I like eating fish and sometimes I'm not in the mode for eating fish for dinner.
    I like to go kayaking in the summer because I like to race my brother. Sometimes I see how long I can kayak. I sometimes go very fast on my kayak with out falling.
    During the summer I go to my grandma and grandpas and build something with my grandpa. I build stuff like spaceships, cars and semi trucks. I sometimes play agrervation withmy grandma and I most of th time win.
    during the summer go to my grandmas and pick plants. I also plant stuff like carrots. By Darrin

  17. Having music on and dancing to the beat.By;Vanessa.L.
