Monday, November 30, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:33 PM
Imagine you were sent into a deep, dark dungeon like Despereaux.
  What would you miss the most and why?

Friday, November 20, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:22 PM
Mr. Turner asked the BUGS if they would be willing to talk about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids during our assembly this week.  Of course! Was our answer!  
We put together a little song and performed for the first and second graders.  It was a lot of fun!

We practiced and practiced...

We asked the audience to help us with the rhythm....

And it went something like this:

7 Habits Poem

We’re the BUGS of Room 18
With the 7 Habits Tree.
The Habits help us live our lives,
And make us all happy inside!

They start with taking charge of you,
Choose your moods and attitudes!
Be Proactive every day

When no one even looks your way!

It’s best to start with the end in mind,
Set some goals and plan your time
Think before you speak or act,
It all adds up, that’s a fact!

Put First Things First, as a rule,
At your house or here at school.
Do your work before you play,
Practice this every day!

When a problems come, do what’s wise,
Think win-win and compromise!
When two people get their way,
It’s more fun to work and play!

Listen well before you talk,
With eyes and ears and all your heart!
Understand what’s being said
This makes you an awesome friend.

Synergize - work as a team,
New ideas are better, you’ll see!
Better than just you OR me
Do much more with SYNERGY!

Sharpen the saw - balance your life,
Body and soul, heart and mind.
Take care of you - every day,
That’s the 7 Habits way!

Finally, there’s Habit 8,
A habit that was added late.
Find your voice, your passion in life,
Use your voice, defend what’s right!

We can change the world - you’ll see,
Using the 7 Habits Tree!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:58 PM
I missed a couple of students while taking pictures during Sharing Day.  I am so sorry!! Here are the ones I have:





BUG audience

Parent audience





Reader's Theater Play





Vanessa Ann





Vanessa Jean


Readers' Theater


We had such a wonderful time!  We are already "Beginning With the End in Mind" and planning the next sharing day!  Details coming soon!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:18 AM

What are your favorite parts of Thanksgiving?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:53 AM
Caleb and Grant are at it again!  Caleb earned his 10 point AR button and Grant earned both his 15 and 20 point buttons!  Awesome reading, guys!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:34 PM
As a part of math every day, we do what we call "Happy Counting!" where we practice skip counting and working our way from one number to another.  Lately, we've been talking about using the "most efficient units" to move between numbers and today we put that into practice as we moved from 40 to 470.  The students suggested a couple different ways to move between the numbers.  Caleb suggested we start counting by tens until we reach 170 and then we switch to count by hundreds until we reach our target number of 470.  Vanessa Ann agreed that we should start by using units of ten, but thought we should switch at 100, since it is a benchmark number.  She suggested counting by hundreds until 400, and then switching back to units of ten until we reached 470.  In either case, we found out that we were going to use 3 hundreds and 13 tens to reach our target number.

What baffled the class, however was that 300 + 130 = 430.  Wasn't our target number 470?!
We thought...
...and thought...
...and thought.


The class quickly grouped itself and kids began sharing ideas.  We reminded each other to "Seek First to Understand (Habit #5) and then to be understood!  

Students grabbed scratch paper and drew their math ideas!

We had lots of different approaches.

Students even used the "Win-Win" (Habit #4) to make sure everyone participated!

No matter what we did, though, we kept coming up with 430 as our answer.  Why weren't we coming up with 470?

This is what SYNERGIZING looks like!!  (It was a really cool moment!)

It took awhile, but Vanessa Ann finally led the class through an explanation of why the "answer" was 430 and not 470!  It all depends on where you start!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:02 PM

Our first Sharing Day, "Authors Are Artists (With Words!)" is tomorrow!
We'd love to have you join us as we share our stories and plays!
1:30-3:30 in Room 18!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:27 PM
Spencer, Devin, Caleb, Blake, Grant and Vanessa Ann all earned AR buttons!
Hooray!  Way to read!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:27 PM

Grant, Jacob, Evan, Caleb, Devin and Judah all earned spelling buttons today for great spelling scores!  Way to go BUGS!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:34 AM
The new math module we started today focuses in on place value - a huge emphasis in second grade.  We do a lot of work with students so they understand how a number like 3 can change in value just by moving it from the ones place to the tens place to the thousands place!  This knowledge will help provide the foundation for learning how to add and subtract larger numbers, including three digit numbers where students will need to regroup.  Understanding that the 3 in 834 is 3 tens, we can understand how easy it is to then "break apart" one of those three tens into ones and give us enough to subtract with if needed.  

Today, we began by learning by experience - our favorite kind of learning! 

 The students spent time thinking and talking and SYNERGIZING!!  with peers to figure out the most efficient way to count straws to see if we had 1000. 

The class agreed that it would be the most efficient to start by bundling the straws into tens.  

So that's what they did. 

Then they talked it over again, and figured out that we should now bundle the tens into ten groups, which would make bundles of one hundred.  They realized through experience why it is so much easier to count using tens as our base model!  

It didn't take long to figure out that we did indeed have 1000 straws (with two left over!)  

What the BUGS couldn't believe was that all that fun WAS the math lesson!
  (When did learning get to be this much fun?)
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:25 AM
These students all kept track of their reading in October and turned in their Book-It forms.  They each earned a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut!  Way to read, BUGS!!
Danielle, Drew, Nathan, Jayden and Sean are proud of their efforts!

Ava, Cadasia, Caleb and Grant are excited about pizza!