Friday, November 20, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:22 PM
Mr. Turner asked the BUGS if they would be willing to talk about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids during our assembly this week.  Of course! Was our answer!  
We put together a little song and performed for the first and second graders.  It was a lot of fun!

We practiced and practiced...

We asked the audience to help us with the rhythm....

And it went something like this:

7 Habits Poem

We’re the BUGS of Room 18
With the 7 Habits Tree.
The Habits help us live our lives,
And make us all happy inside!

They start with taking charge of you,
Choose your moods and attitudes!
Be Proactive every day

When no one even looks your way!

It’s best to start with the end in mind,
Set some goals and plan your time
Think before you speak or act,
It all adds up, that’s a fact!

Put First Things First, as a rule,
At your house or here at school.
Do your work before you play,
Practice this every day!

When a problems come, do what’s wise,
Think win-win and compromise!
When two people get their way,
It’s more fun to work and play!

Listen well before you talk,
With eyes and ears and all your heart!
Understand what’s being said
This makes you an awesome friend.

Synergize - work as a team,
New ideas are better, you’ll see!
Better than just you OR me
Do much more with SYNERGY!

Sharpen the saw - balance your life,
Body and soul, heart and mind.
Take care of you - every day,
That’s the 7 Habits way!

Finally, there’s Habit 8,
A habit that was added late.
Find your voice, your passion in life,
Use your voice, defend what’s right!

We can change the world - you’ll see,
Using the 7 Habits Tree!

1 comment:

  1. I love the 7 Habits it helps kids to be better. By:Vanessa L
