Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:34 AM
The new math module we started today focuses in on place value - a huge emphasis in second grade.  We do a lot of work with students so they understand how a number like 3 can change in value just by moving it from the ones place to the tens place to the thousands place!  This knowledge will help provide the foundation for learning how to add and subtract larger numbers, including three digit numbers where students will need to regroup.  Understanding that the 3 in 834 is 3 tens, we can understand how easy it is to then "break apart" one of those three tens into ones and give us enough to subtract with if needed.  

Today, we began by learning by experience - our favorite kind of learning! 

 The students spent time thinking and talking and SYNERGIZING!!  with peers to figure out the most efficient way to count straws to see if we had 1000. 

The class agreed that it would be the most efficient to start by bundling the straws into tens.  

So that's what they did. 

Then they talked it over again, and figured out that we should now bundle the tens into ten groups, which would make bundles of one hundred.  They realized through experience why it is so much easier to count using tens as our base model!  

It didn't take long to figure out that we did indeed have 1000 straws (with two left over!)  

What the BUGS couldn't believe was that all that fun WAS the math lesson!
  (When did learning get to be this much fun?)

1 comment:

  1. I loved this lesson I did not know it was a math lesson in till she told us!By:VanessaL
