Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
Officer Sam visited our classroom today for one last visit this year.  Today he spoke about being prepared for an emergency.  Students thought about how they might be prepared in case of a tornado, storm, blizzard or fire.  They thought about what items they might want to have on hand and where to go in each situation.  The students had a great discussion and Officer Sam helped them to all understand how being prepared can make emergencies a little less stressful!

We are so grateful for Officer Sam!  He takes time to talk with the students in the hallway and comes into our classrooms to help us learn about ways to be safe in all kinds of situations!  Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!


  1. I like officer Sam he is nice. By:Vanessa L

  2. My best friend is his son I play with him. By William
