Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:40 PM
The BUGS have been working very hard in math.  They have learned several different ways to represent numbers.  We know:

  • standard form (156)
  • expanded form (100 + 50 + 6)
  • unit form (1 hundred 5 tens and 6 ones)
  • word form (one hundred fifty-six)
We are also learning how to compare numbers.  We just learned how to use the symbols, <, > and = to compare numbers that are larger, small or the same as another number.  Today we put it all together and worked on some really challenging problems!  We thought synergizing with a friend might make the process more fun! 

We worked on problems such as : (fill in less than, greater than or equal to)

7 hundreds and 15 ones is __________ 1 hundred 7 tens and 1 one.  


895 is _____________ 89 tens and 5 ones

You see how these require some careful reading and serious thinking!

Grant and Jayden were careful readers.  They realized one problem asked them to order numbers from least to greatest but the next problem asked them to order numbers from greatest to least!
Good reading BUGS!

Chan and Spencer worked together to solve the problems. 

Keagan and Jacob talked about the numbers to make sure they had the write amount to compare. 

Taylor and Katelyn worked together discussing the problems.  

Naomi and Judah discussed ideas on how to solve.

Madelynn and Cadasia worked together.

Ava explained to Vanessa L. how she thought the problem should be solved.

Caleb and Carter thought long and hard about the problems. 

Abby and Mariela talked about each problem and agreed to the solutions.

Drew and Nathan had a lot of fun solving math problems today!

Vanessa S. and Danielle worked together to be careful readers.

Blake and Devin had great math conversations!

1 comment:

  1. I loved synergizing it helped me do the work faster. By;Vanessa L
