Monday, March 28, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:43 PM
What are your three most favorite things to do in Spring?

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:20 PM
The high school musical ensemble came to visit the Early Elementary today.  They performed several songs from "Aida!"

 We listened to the soldiers sing...
...and the princess!

We heard some amazing voices...

...even from the evil character!

The entire cast was so talented!
 (One of the BUGS said the last song made him cry a little!)

Get your tickets today to see "Aida" this weekend at the high school PAC!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:22 PM
In addition to learning about landforms and bodies of water, we've also been learning about the processes that change and shape our land.  Today we had some hands-on experience with wind and water erosion and we thought about ways to prevent it!

Grant, Keagan and Naomi make landforms.
Then they used straws to create a model of wind erosion!

Students found evidence for various kinds of erosion and learned that some changes take thousands of years while others can happen very quickly!!

Students also tried to build landforms that would stand up to water erosion.
Mrs. Heimbuch helped out while we expored ways to prevent erosion!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:39 AM
The BUGS had a wonderful time at the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra last week!!  (I missed out due to a tech conference!)  They learned about repetition in music and to never give up!
Great lessons!

Thanks to Ms, Miller for arranging this amazing learning experience for us!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:17 PM
Sorry, we got a little crazy with the warm weather today!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:45 PM
This week we are studying words that have "-tch", "-dge" or "-ck".  The BUGS are learning WHY these letters are in each word (this really helps them to spell ALL words that follow the pattern, not just words that they practice this week!)  

Can YOU explain why there is a "t" in a word like "patch" or "catch" or "itch"? 

How about the "d" in "fudge" or "dodge" or "edge"?

Finally, do you know why we include a "c" in words like "black" or "stick" or "knock"?

If you know, leave us a comment!!  If you're wondering why, ask a BUG!!!  :)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:16 PM
We are learning about Earth in our science unit, in particular the processes that shape the earth and what land and water looks like on the planet.  We studied key terminology on landforms and bodies of water and then we put our new knowledge to the test by making them!!  We used salt dough to make landforms and construction paper to make our own version of earth, including bodies of water!
Devin is referring back to his notes on landforms as he creates his own.

Katelyn is getting started with salt dough.

Madelynn and Vanessa check out their creations.

Drew's finished salt dough landforms. 

Madelynn and Naomi paint their dried forms.

Danielle and Caleb paint their landforms.  

Blake's finished landforms.  You can see a hill, a mountain, islands and a volcano!

We put our landforms on our maps and added bodies of water.  What awesome creations!

You can see continents, lakes, ponds, deserts, glaciers...

...peninsulas, gulfs, oceans, bays and even rivers!