Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:22 PM
In addition to learning about landforms and bodies of water, we've also been learning about the processes that change and shape our land.  Today we had some hands-on experience with wind and water erosion and we thought about ways to prevent it!

Grant, Keagan and Naomi make landforms.
Then they used straws to create a model of wind erosion!

Students found evidence for various kinds of erosion and learned that some changes take thousands of years while others can happen very quickly!!

Students also tried to build landforms that would stand up to water erosion.
Mrs. Heimbuch helped out while we expored ways to prevent erosion!


  1. Man does that look fun or what! By:Vanessa L

  2. I wasn't there but I think it was pretty cool. By:Vanessa L
