Monday, March 7, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:45 PM
This week we are studying words that have "-tch", "-dge" or "-ck".  The BUGS are learning WHY these letters are in each word (this really helps them to spell ALL words that follow the pattern, not just words that they practice this week!)  

Can YOU explain why there is a "t" in a word like "patch" or "catch" or "itch"? 

How about the "d" in "fudge" or "dodge" or "edge"?

Finally, do you know why we include a "c" in words like "black" or "stick" or "knock"?

If you know, leave us a comment!!  If you're wondering why, ask a BUG!!!  :)


  1. I asked my sister and I tried to trick her but she still got it right! By Vanessa L

  2. I asked my other sister why is there a tch in kitchen and she said I do not know. By:Vanessa L
