Friday, September 29, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:08 AM

Our class is super excited to participate in the Pizza Hut Book It! program this year.  Students can fill out a daily reading log (just coloring in an icon) for the reading they are ALREADY DOING each night!  At the end of the month, they can turn in their completed logs for and receive a coupon for...

A completed log earns each student a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut!!!

ALSO, we were reading the additional information today and learned that students will receive a reading journal from Pizza Hut upon their first visit.  If they complete all six months of the program, they can enter to win a $10,000 college scholarship!!!  HOLY CATS is this good!!!

We are all super excited and can't wait to get reading.  Oh wait, we have been reading...

...well, we can't wait to get PIZZA just for reading!!

Thank you Pizza Hut!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:15 AM
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH!!  We are so incredibly excited today!!  With last month's book order, Scholastic sent us a free book for EVERY STUDENT!!!  OH MY GOSH!!  
We are super excited to each have a new, funny book of our very own to take home this weekend!!

Thank you to everyone who orders from our book orders!!  These orders not only provide your child with fresh, excited new books to read (and trust me, NOTHING motivates a reader quite like a brand new book!!) but these orders also provide our classroom with books!!  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:57 AM

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:44 AM
While we were state testing this week, several students took advantage of the time when they finished to squeeze in extra reading minutes!

Gunnar was absorbed in his book!

Kit and Mayeli were enjoying their chapter books. 

Both Rileys picked out good books!

Addison was enjoying her "Owl Diaries" book!

We talk often about how important it is to get in 60 full minutes of reading every day (at school - this doesn't count what needs to happen additionally at home each night!)  Sneaking in extra minutes wherever we can really helps us improve fluency, comprehension and build our vocabulary!!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:57 PM

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:19 PM
Today we learned how to use math stations!

We played Addition War...

...and "Loose Change"...

...we played Domino Addition....

...and some game Mrs. Koehn made up with egg cartons!

We had so much fun playing these station games with our friends!
(We might have even forgotten we were practicing math facts the whole time!)

Friday, September 15, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:30 PM
Mrs. Salefsky of the Monkey bus came and spoke with us today about bus safety.
She reminded us how important it is to always walk around a bus, even on the sidewalk at school!

She also reminded us the safest way to ride the bus is "bottom to bottom, back to back." 

We took a short drive through Paw Paw to practice.
We got to smell the ripe grapes in the fields, we saw deer and turkeys!
We also took a look at the corn and soybean fields!
There's so much to see and learn out the bus windows!

Thank you Mrs. Salefsky for a great tour, and reminders about how we can BE SAFE this year on and around the bus!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:35 PM

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:33 AM

Friday, September 8, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:04 AM

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
The BUGS took some time today to interview a classmate.

They asked each other a handful of questions...

...and carefully wrote down the answers.

There were lots of giggles and conversations!

Then, each pair stood before the class and introduced a new friend!

We loved hearing about our classmates!

We learned how old everyone is...

...what kinds of pets the students have...

...what their favorite subject in school is...

...and what they like to do for fun! 

It can be scary to get up in front of an audience!

But everyone was brave and took a turn!

So now we know each other better!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:00 PM
Today we learned about grapes (and raisins!).
We wondered why Paw Paw celebrated grapes!
We learned that grapes grow really well here in southwest Michigan!
We sampled four kinds of grapes (one from Paw Paw!) and two kinds of raisins.

We made notes on our paper about each kind we tried.  
Then, we picked our very favorite!

We started by writing a draft.
This draft lets us make mistakes and fix them before we put our work on pretty paper for the hallway!

We worked together to write a good opening sentence.
We all added our own details in the middle and then we worked together on a closing!

Once we had a good draft, we checked to make sure we had capitals where they belonged
(and not where they don't).
We also checked our work to make sure we had three periods in the right places and good spacing between our words.

When it was our best effort, we copied our work onto the cool grape paper for the hallway!

Finally, we took time to color our grape clusters!

We took our time and did really nice coloring!

Now our work hangs on our "grape vines" in the hallway!

We are glad we took our time and did our very best work...

...because everyone gets to see what we did!

Hooray for grapes!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:30 PM
2017-2018 B.U.G.S.!!