Friday, September 29, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:08 AM

Our class is super excited to participate in the Pizza Hut Book It! program this year.  Students can fill out a daily reading log (just coloring in an icon) for the reading they are ALREADY DOING each night!  At the end of the month, they can turn in their completed logs for and receive a coupon for...

A completed log earns each student a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut!!!

ALSO, we were reading the additional information today and learned that students will receive a reading journal from Pizza Hut upon their first visit.  If they complete all six months of the program, they can enter to win a $10,000 college scholarship!!!  HOLY CATS is this good!!!

We are all super excited and can't wait to get reading.  Oh wait, we have been reading...

...well, we can't wait to get PIZZA just for reading!!

Thank you Pizza Hut!!


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