Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:00 PM
Today we learned about grapes (and raisins!).
We wondered why Paw Paw celebrated grapes!
We learned that grapes grow really well here in southwest Michigan!
We sampled four kinds of grapes (one from Paw Paw!) and two kinds of raisins.

We made notes on our paper about each kind we tried.  
Then, we picked our very favorite!

We started by writing a draft.
This draft lets us make mistakes and fix them before we put our work on pretty paper for the hallway!

We worked together to write a good opening sentence.
We all added our own details in the middle and then we worked together on a closing!

Once we had a good draft, we checked to make sure we had capitals where they belonged
(and not where they don't).
We also checked our work to make sure we had three periods in the right places and good spacing between our words.

When it was our best effort, we copied our work onto the cool grape paper for the hallway!

Finally, we took time to color our grape clusters!

We took our time and did really nice coloring!

Now our work hangs on our "grape vines" in the hallway!

We are glad we took our time and did our very best work...

...because everyone gets to see what we did!

Hooray for grapes!

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