Monday, December 18, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:35 AM
When we return to school in January, it will be a new year (2018!) 
What are two things you want to get better at in 2018 and what will you do to get better?

One thing I want to get better at in 2018  is eating more meat and I will make sure to do that because at every meal I will remember and I will eat meat at every meal. Another thing I want to get better at is to exercise more and I will make sure to do that because every night after my homework I will remember to go downstairs and exercise. By Hayden

One thing I want to get better at is to make better snowballs because then I can throw them everywhere. Another thing I want to get better at is to have peice and I am going to just sit.  By Brennan

I want to get better at exercise because I will practice. Another thing I want to get good at is running because I will practice.     By Carter

I would want to get better at my facts so I stop counting with my fingers. Another thing that I want to get better at is my writing so my sentences are perfect. I would practice on brake. By Chase  

What I would like to get better at in 2018 is doing my math facts quicker and I will get better at it by practicing my math facts. Another thing I will get better at is that I want my reading score to go up and I will get better at it by practicing to read more. Thats some of the things I want to get better at. By Addison

One thing I want to get better at in 2018 is math facts and I’m gonna practice. Another thing is reading and I’m gonna practice. Thats some of the things I want to get better at. By Riley J.

Here are some of the things that I want to get better at in 2018. One thing that I want to get better at in 2018 is going to sleep more earlier and how I will get better at it is asking my mom or my dad to go to bed more earlier so I can get extra sleep that I was missing out on. Last thing that I am going to get better at in 2018 is practice my math facts so maybe I will get a candy bar in January and how I will get better at it is asking my parents to quiz me on some math facts. Those are just some things that I am going to get better at in 2018. By Kittrick

What I think I will not do is not eat junk foods any more and how I will not do it is to put alot  in the trash. Another thing is to play more outside than inside and how I will get at not staing outside is not having not alot of time on the tablet. By Charlotte

One thing I want to get better at is eating vegetables and I will get better at that by eating them. I also want to get better at exercising and I will get better at that by running. By Landon

I want to get better at is helikopters because it is hard to fly it and I am going to  get better at math facts because it is hard.I can practise Gunnar

I want to get beter at reading in 2018 and i want to get better at math in 2018 i will read on brake and do my math faks. by Luke


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