Friday, December 15, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:30 PM
The BUGS were surprised today by a sign outside of the classroom after lunch welcoming them to "Le Livre Restaurant" and asking them to "please wait to be seated". 

They were each escorted to a seat at a table with a place setting, place card and a menu.
After being greeted by a hostess with a questionable French accent, a crazy chef appeared, bringing out books as "appetizers", "salads" and even "Le Plat Principal" (the main course)! 

The students played along nicely, participating in this crazy "book tasting" by using their menus to record how each course "tasted" to them.

Students were encouraged (by this strange "French" woman with a chef's hat) to look at the cover of the book, read the first page and decide if the book, genre and topic were of interest.

Each "course" brought out new books to try.  There was fiction, realistic fiction and even poetry!

There were a lot of giggles, several things lost in translation, a few new French words learned (we now know the difference between a mademoiselle and un garcon!)...

...but most importantly, we had FUN learning about genres, trying out new books, sampling reading to decide if a book was a "good fit book" or not.

Even books that we decided we did not particularly cared for helped us to learn about what we do like in literature!

There were a few skeptics at first
(The class knows they have a crazy teacher but I don't think they expected a
French chef to appear in the room!)

 We were concerned that Natalie might choke on her "appetizer" as she was giggling so hard!

We had this amazing waitress who helped with serving books and clearing the tables. 

She even made us a delicious REAL snack (that went right along with our "book tasting" event!)

The snack - and the books - were enjoyed by all!


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