Friday, March 23, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:04 AM
Yesterday, we were learning about stems and we talked about what we already know about stems.  We realized that scientists have to be able to PROVE what they know or think through experiments.  We thought long and hard about what we could do to PROVE that stems take water and nutrients from the roots or the ground to the leaves or fruits.  We all decided that putting the stems in water would be a great first step but we couldn't think of a way to make it SHOW that the stem sucked up the water.

Mrs. Koehn challenged us to think of how we might use food coloring to prove our point.  Some of us predicted the food coloring would keep the water from evaporating in the jars and then if the water level went down it had to be due to the stem.  Others of us thought the food coloring would make the water too thick to go up the stems. 

As it turns out, the food coloring PROVED that the stems sucked the water up and delivered it to the petals!  We were so excited to see the results of our experiment today and to know that we found a way to have PROOF as scientists!


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