Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:23 PM
Agricultural Awareness Day was wonderful this year!

We saw baby goats...

...which were so cute and soft!

We planted flowers and talked about what they need to grow.

It was a great way to use all that we had learned at school in real life!

We can't wait to plant them at home!

We saw draft horses...

...and learned the differences between mini horses and draft horses (and what they are used for).
We also learned the difference between bees and hornets.

Saw baby calves...

...which were soooo cute!

We even had a snack of milk and cookies!

There were hens..

...of all varieties!

Rabbitts, too!

We got to touch all kinds of pelts from skunk to coyote to badger!

There was a snack skin and even turkey feathers!

We also learned about the process of getting grain from the farmer all the way into our cereals and breads!

We learned about farm safety by identifying what NOT to do!

There were a LOT of hazards on this farm!

We also learned about a HUGE tractor!

It was enormous!

There were cows, steers and calves!

Who loved to be scratched on the head...

...and behind the ears!!

We could hear the steer throughout the barn! 
He had a LOT to say!

There were even pigs!

 We learned a lot about pigs and why they like to live in mud.

We learned they are actually really smart animals!

Finally, we learned about fruits and veggies that are grown in Michigan!

What a wonderful day to learn about agriculture!


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