Thursday, November 15, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:11 PM
This summer, I signed up for a Grant from Meemic Insurance Company, a huge supporter of education and local classrooms.  Our classroom was selected for a $100 Scholastic Grant to add books to our classroom library.  We are so grateful for this grant money and we are excited to add several new books to our classroom.  A HUGE thank you to Meemic Insurance, Rob Bennet and the Meemic Foundation for their generosity!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:39 AM

"Which Car Will Go Faster?" by Michael

"Skittles" by Shane

"Does the Air Pressure in a Soccer Ball Affect How Far it will Travel?" by Andrew

"Doe the Air Pressure in a Soccer Ball Affect How Far I Can Kick It?" by Benny

"Can Magnetism Overpower Gravity?" by Aiden

"How High Can You Drop an Egg Without it Breaking?" by John

"Which Fruit Will Rot First?" by Kailee

"Will the Weight of an Airplane Affect its Ability to Fly?" by Gregory

"Out of Two Different Brands of Popcorn, Which One Pops the Most?" by Elizabeth

"The 5-Second Rule" by Hannah

"Rock Candy" by Karsyn

"Yuck...Brown Apples!" by Karleigh

"Do Habitats Affect How a Animal Gets Their Prey?" by Christian

"Growing Gummies" by Madison

"Brandyn's Egg-speriment" by Brandyn

"Which Chocolate Melts Faster?" by Bella

"Who is Faster?" by Dakota

"What Kind of Gum Works Best for Slime?" by Sophia

"Does Air in a Soccer Ball Affect How High it Can Bounce?" by Victoria

"What Size Glass?" by Natalie

"How High Can a Parent Jump to a Kid?" by Ava

 Third Place Winner for Mrs. Koehn's Class
"How Much Weight Can 4 Earth Magnets Repel?" by Braden

Second Place Winner for Mrs. Koehn's Class
"The Cooling Sensation" by Gavin

First Place Winner for Mrs. Koehn's Class
"How Many Coins in the Pile Will Make the Most Electricity?" by Bradley

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:21 PM

As part of our "Be Nice" program in our district, we had two high school PALS students come to our classroom today to lead us through a "Be Nice" activity. 

The high schoolers, Jake and Hailey, asked the students to divide into three groups and then squeeze an entire tube of toothpaste out onto a paper plate.

The students particularly liked this part of the activity!!

After all the toothpaste was on the plate, the students were instructed to now use toothPICKS to put all the toothpaste back into the tube!

This proved to be a bit less fun and a LOT more frustrating!!

The students tried and tried, but they were not able to get very much toothpaste to go back into the tube.  

Jake and Hailey talked with the kids about how this is like mean or hurtful words that we blurt out of our mouths.  They come out so very easily... 
...but they are impossible to get back in.

This was a great example that we can remember when we are tempted to say something hurtful to someone else.  We can remember the toothpaste and how it was impossible to get it back into the tube once it was out.  Hopefully, this reminder will help us keep hateful words from ever coming out of our mouths in the first place.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:33 PM
I've noticed many students are struggling with their basic multiplication facts.  We resurrected an activity that I did in second grade (with addition and subtraction) to help motivate the kids to learn their facts - Smartie Cards!! 

 The students have to know their facts lightning fast to pass, but once they do, they earn a punch on their card and a roll of Smarties!!  We set a goal as a whole class - if everyone can get their card totally punched by the end of the year, Mrs. Koehn will buy the class pizza!!  This is not only encouraging each student to learn his/her facts, but to also work together as  a family to help others study and learn the facts, too!!  

(If you're at the dollar store and you see a pack of multiplication cards, you might want to grab them for your student - they are REALLY pumped up about learning these facts now!)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:29 AM