Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:33 PM
I've noticed many students are struggling with their basic multiplication facts.  We resurrected an activity that I did in second grade (with addition and subtraction) to help motivate the kids to learn their facts - Smartie Cards!! 

 The students have to know their facts lightning fast to pass, but once they do, they earn a punch on their card and a roll of Smarties!!  We set a goal as a whole class - if everyone can get their card totally punched by the end of the year, Mrs. Koehn will buy the class pizza!!  This is not only encouraging each student to learn his/her facts, but to also work together as  a family to help others study and learn the facts, too!!  

(If you're at the dollar store and you see a pack of multiplication cards, you might want to grab them for your student - they are REALLY pumped up about learning these facts now!)


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