Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:21 PM

As part of our "Be Nice" program in our district, we had two high school PALS students come to our classroom today to lead us through a "Be Nice" activity. 

The high schoolers, Jake and Hailey, asked the students to divide into three groups and then squeeze an entire tube of toothpaste out onto a paper plate.

The students particularly liked this part of the activity!!

After all the toothpaste was on the plate, the students were instructed to now use toothPICKS to put all the toothpaste back into the tube!

This proved to be a bit less fun and a LOT more frustrating!!

The students tried and tried, but they were not able to get very much toothpaste to go back into the tube.  

Jake and Hailey talked with the kids about how this is like mean or hurtful words that we blurt out of our mouths.  They come out so very easily... 
...but they are impossible to get back in.

This was a great example that we can remember when we are tempted to say something hurtful to someone else.  We can remember the toothpaste and how it was impossible to get it back into the tube once it was out.  Hopefully, this reminder will help us keep hateful words from ever coming out of our mouths in the first place.


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